Okay, I was a little stumped on what I was going to do for the next challenge. I've been playing with a few ideas, and with the help of a friend I've decided!
Ch. 55: Comic Book Hero
Start Date: Wednesday, April 20th
End Date: Saturday, April 30th (@ Midnight)
Subject: Comic Book Hero
Mission: You've all probably seen movies like Sin City, Spiderman, X-Men etc. What I'd like for you to do is create your own comic book character/hero. You can use characters from the comic books or create your very own! You can use whatever pictures that you'd like and be as creative as you like with this blend challenge. The only thing I ask is that you choose well! For the sake of originality, try to avoid using the same personalities that have been used all too often in blend challenges, ie. Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson, Hilary Duff etc.
Filename: ob55-ljusername-yourname.gif/.jpg/.png
your choice
Send all entries (and questions) to original_blends@hotmail.com
(Please use this form in your e-mail)
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Blend Link: