Hey All, I have two new challenges for you!! I've also changed the layout, so take a look if you get the chance :) Good Luck and Happy Blending!
Ch. 57: Tom Cruise
Start Date: Tuesday, June 14th
End Date: Friday, June 24th (@ Midnight)
Subject: Tom Cruise
Mission: Its simple :) create a blend using the pictures I've given you. If you have any questions, ask away.
Filename: ob57-ljusername-yourname.gif/.jpg/.png
Ch. 58: Katie Holmes (Add Effects)
Start Date: Tuesday, June 14th
End Date: Friday, June 24th (@ Midnight)
Subject: Katie Holmes
Mission: Add effects, text, brushes, texture, etc to one of the blends provided of Katie
Number of Pictures: 4
Filename: ob58-ljusername-yourname.gif/.jpg/.png
Send all entries (and questions) to original_blends@hotmail.com
(Please use this form in your e-mail)
LJ Username:
Blend Link: