...well, not really. Still, my contacts arrived at 4:24pm on Thursday and I had them in my eyes by 4:28. It gave me a headache because I guess my right eye had sort of gotten used to seeing the world as a cloudy blur. It's such a relief to see!
Stole this from Kat -
Take the first sentence from the first post of each month of 2005. That's your year in review...
Today was a very cold day - not just in terms of weather, but emotionally as well.
Seriously, I don't know when I became one of those girls who gets a
high off shopping, but it has certainly happened.
I have this truly awful assignment due Saturday.
A friend of mine started telling me that I look for excuses as to why I
can't do things.
My last day of work was Friday.
I have to say that between Tuesday and Thursday, I didn't breathe.
The whole Live 8 thing...for a good cause, some good bands.
I have to say that I am truly worried about my little sisters.
I don't understand what is happening down in New Orleans.
Is anyone else having trouble using the rich text mode when you're updating your journal?
It sure has been quiet around here lately.
So...I've kinda fallen off the face of the virtual earth.
Based on this, I'd say my 2005 was 50% good, 50% crappy. Isn't that about how everyone's year is?