Sticky: Friends Only, Comment To Be Added

Aug 16, 2015 05:06

Most of my posts on this journal are access only. Due to one of my disabilities I prefer to discuss my personal life and some social justice issues in the relative privacy of my access circle. That doesn't mean that there aren't any public posts, though. I post almost all of my fiction (fan and original) publicly, as well as many of my reaction posts.

Feel free to friend me whenever you want. I love getting comments on my public entries. I also like getting to know new people, so if you leave a comment here I'll most likely friend back.

Every day is defriending amnesty day here at my journal, which I feel makes for less anxiety on the part of everyone involved.

Bio: Morgan. 24 yo. Woman. Vegan. Bisexual. Married To A Woman. Writer. Disabled. Hufflepuff And Proud. Daydreamer. Pagan. Pirate.

Favorite Things: Lime Green. Pirates. Penguins. Animals. Jolly Roger. Strong Female Characters. TV Shows. Spoon Theory. Cupcakes. Faygo Soda. Books. Soap Operas. Candles. Water. Pasta. Lighthouses. Fae. Shifters. Cuddling Under Quilts. Writing. Gnomes. Comics. Geese. Baths. Crows.

Fandoms: Harry Potter. Star Trek AOS, TOS. Thor. Pirates of the Caribbean. Psych. Leverage. The Closer. True Blood. Mythbusters. RPF. The Eagle. Final Fantasy VIII. Final Fantasy VII. X-Men Movieverse. Sherlock (BBC). Game of Thrones. Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Favorite Characters: Draco. Ginny. Hermione. Harry. Cho. Charlie. Kirk. McCoy. Sulu. Slater. Madeline. Rand. Chapel. Esca. Marcus. Liathan. Placidus. Loki. Sif. Thor. Neal. Elizabeth Burke. Rogue. Cyclops. Gambit. Pam. Eric. Sookie. Jessica. Hardison. Eliot. Parker. Shawn. Gus. Lassie. Brenda. Elizabeth Swann. Rinoa. Cloud. Yuffie. Sherlock. Watson. Daenerys. Buffy. Dawn. Andrew. Any originals.

Favorite Genres: Original- Sword and Sorcery. High Fantasy. Supernatural. Urban Fantasy. Dark Fantasy. Teen. Queer. Adventure. Cozy Mystery. Superhero. Steampunk. Gothic. Apocalyptic. Any Combination Of The Above.

Fanfic- AUs. Mystery. Adventure. Casefic. Idfic. Contains OCs. Plot Heavy. Longfic. Humor. Crossovers. Slash. Het. Femslash. Gen. Any Combination Of The Above.

Important: A Post About Ableism And The Blog-o-sphere; Or, How My Disabilities Impact My Presence Online & IRL, and A Post About Accomodations To Keep In Mind When Interacting With Me.

Warnings Policy: I warn for non-con, dub-con, abuse, graphic violence, gore, self injury, suicide (attempted or completed), eating disorders, character death, incest, domestic violence, and -isms. I try to err on the side of caution with my trigger warnings, but if I miss something, I apologize in advance. If you are able, I'd appreciate you letting me know what warning needs to be added.

Credit Where Credit's Due: Thanks to the amazing sparkinthecloud for the friends only banner.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth. It has
comments there.

fandom: general, irl: disabilities, irl: about me, misc: admin

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