Your result for The Knowledge vs. Intellect Test...
7/9 Intellect
You are 59% knowledgable and 80% intellectual.
Excellent! You have a powerful mind backed by a good amount of knowledge. Keep cracking books and nothing can stop you.
Take The Knowledge vs. Intellect Test at
HelloQuizzy Your result for The Elemental Astrology Test...
Dual Air & Water
Although you often feel pulled between intellectual and emotional orientations of life, heavy doses of Air and Water elements can make you very much attuned to both realms of experience. Neither the abstract nor the feeling-intuitive world is alien to you, and you are thus able to develop a mode of operation that encompasses both types of perception. This results in your being able to give depth to your ideas and in your ability to gain detachment and perspective on feelings and deeper yearnings. You are physically and psychologically sensitive; a dreamer, an escapist, perhaps a little fantasy-prone. You have an amazingly fertile imagination and specialized skills for dealing with people. You know how to tune in to people, and communicate concisely.
For more on these two elements click
here for Air and
here for Water The other elements:
Fire and
Earth Wanna know more about your astrological chart? Go
hereTake The Elemental Astrology Test at