So i told my boss i wouldnt be working the next 3 shifts.... problem? i only work 3 shifts a week, and every part of the dinning center is already understaffed as it is. she must love me right know. oh well.
well i woke up coughing an sneezing, didnt think the customers would look to kindly on someone sneezing on their food, or them, so i didnt go in today. friday i leave for my cousin's wedding, so i wont exactly be around to work the shift that night (the stirfry lady's gonig to love that ><). Also, my engr 201 teacher has set up a homework study group monday nights (which i should go to considering homework is worth a good chunk of the grade in this class for some reason) and it happens to be in the middle of my shift so i'm not working on monday, or any monday fallowing it, for the rest of the term at least.
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