I've done a lot of thinking and I can't write this entry the way I want to.
This is what's on my mind and what I think about my summer. I'll keep it short and simple. I might edit this later...who knows.
Quit working at your current job and go find a new one. If you don't like where you work, then quit. I can't do anything to help you. Frey can always fill in for you anyways.
Boston trip was amazing, so was NYC.
Dells trip was a memory I won't forget. It was way too much fun.
Fighting games are seeryuz bidnezz. Just not in Eau Claire for there is no competition. Dancing games are hilarious.
Best team ever formed: TEAM TMP! Team Seeryuz Bidnezz is falling apart trying to fight The Internet. No Brand Con next year will be more enjoyable. The team is debating on staying in hotel rooms or not.
Best Youtube video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX-qXNfmIic&watch2 Nightstorm was fun I admit. I felt so stupid but oh well, I'm not going to dwell on it.
Mall of America is STILL a hit or miss. Mandarin Kitchen (the place that serves Dim Sum) is still an amazing place to eat at. One of these days, I promise you all we WILL go there and eat.
WE ARE ALL PLANNING AHEAD FOR OUR NEXT TRIP TO WHEREVER WE GO. We need to find new places that doesn't involve dancing games and fighting games (for me).
UWEC is lookin really good. Maybe I can find a campus job or something.
Eau Claire still needs a place where people can come in and eat late at night for a smaller price. Perkins was too high and so was Country Kitchen.
This is all I can think of. I've changed so much in my life and I can't even describe it. I've made friends and lost some in the process. I don't know what to say but I'm quite impressed with myself. I still feel that I should make amends, but we'll see how it goes. My summer was really interesting. I'm gonna have to get used to the fact that no one will be around me that I know when I'm on campus at UWEC. Maybe I'll pop back into the Japanese Class in Memorial and see whats up. Soon my Summer will be over but its ok. It's not something to be sad about. I'll look forward to my next one. There is still something on my mind. Something that I always wanted to say but never got the chance to. Heh maybe another time. I WAS going to put up some annoying lyrics but I decided not to. I think you guys know what song I was going to put up. Hahaha it was just for kicks but oh well.
Next time