This afternoon I spent an hour surfing the net looking for Without a Trace message boards and spoilers. I found them, joined one, read the spoilers... and then I felt bad because to me it was like betraying TW.
Am I paranoid or what?
newkidfan, I snagged two of your Danny icons because 1) I needed some and 2) he's hot! ;) I also watched your
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Comments 6
In case you wonder, this is me trying to pull you in :)
I'm glad you liked the video. The scene you're referring to comes from "Off The Tracks" (3x21) Danny centric episode. So, so very good. ;P
In case you wonder, this is me trying to pull you in :)
It's not gonna be that hard buddy, 'cause I think I'm already in! ;)
I -knew- we shared the same brain! First Bosco, now Danny... ;)
WaT is a pretty good show IMO. Only they don't focus on the main characters as much as they should, they always seem too busy solving the cases and that doesn't leave enough space for them to develop. But, one can hope this new season will be good, and since I need something to watch...
EX-ACT-LY. That is really the only hurdle I have with the show. I get frustrated because I feel like it's 90 percent procedural and 10 percent character development, which is really how the whole CSI franchise works. But again, Danny is hot. I actually have a friend I've worked with for years who is a Danny dead-ringer, so it bothers me a little to find him hot, but still, I do. :)
By the way, this is Jamie Bamber from Battlestar Galactica. Me like-ee.
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