Was having a look on rosenkavalier's own web site today and i realized just how many amazing outfits he has made for me. So if your not familiar with his work then go and have a look it's well worth it trust me.
Yes indeed it's great to see the look on peoples faces when they ask how much did that cost you? and i replly oh a Hunting hangar or a set of bill mans leg armour! Some people just can not grasp the whole barter thingy, i have even had people insisting that i have just 'got lucky on E bay' as 'no one could possibly make stuff like that'.
Hello glad you liked it. next years will be better as i will actually have a finished house as oposed to a sodding building site to host the party in. Mind you if we can help it we do tend to make a racket at weekends as it's either sword or gun practice or preferably BOTH!!!
Comments 26
(may i have my cyber-spanking now?)
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Some people just can not grasp the whole barter thingy, i have even had people insisting that i have just 'got lucky on E bay' as 'no one could possibly make stuff like that'.
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Mind you if we can help it we do tend to make a racket at weekends as it's either sword or gun practice or preferably BOTH!!!
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