Nov 21, 2006 11:29

As some of you know a while back i had ANOTHER of those drunken Whitby outfit planing evenings in the company of the delightful wyte_phantom and we decided to make one of her desires come true; namely make a steel corset to her design and this is how it was done.
This design is brought to you with the assistance of the Wychwood brewery and that much loved film The Brotherhood of the Wolf.

The whole design and most importantly the pattern was done by wyte_phantom and she had to spend a whole day in the workshop stood there whilst i got the basic shape hammered into the plates.
At this point i must point out that i asked (well more like) begged her to have it made in aluminium but no she insisted on 16 gauge sheet steel!!!!!
So trying to get sheet steel to match the very compound curvature of a woman who has been regularly corseting for 10 years was a challenge to say the least.
Unfortunately i forgot to snap a picture of this, but those of you who were at my place post Infest will remember what it looked like; Well okay maybe remember.

This is the front panel, 2 side panels and the 2 shoulder straps in the rough, you can also see the start of the piercing work on the front and one side plate.

This is a better shot of the front panel showing the laborious process of marking up the cut out design then drilling cutting and finally filing the shapes out.

This is the front and two sde pieces with the cut out work done and sanded and polished ready for final assembly.

This is the corset after assembly and ready for lacing onto the lady.

But before i could do that she insisted on being armed in a suitable style so i had to make her the "fan" that she required, no prizes for guessing where she got the idea for it from.

The blades are made from a very fine spring steel and the two side plates are off cuts from the corset. The lace detail was provided by wyte_phantom who fixed it all onto the fan.
This picture is missing one layer of the lace to show the blade arrangement.

This is the whole outfit together at Whitby.

Here are some clearer shots of the whole thing.

This last one shows her in her hcgv uniform, big thanks to rosenkavalier for the marvelous uniforms.

I must once again thank wyte_phantom for all of her help especially with regards to the filing out of all the intricate cut out designs and the pattern making.
There is no way i could have done this without her help and despite the bloody hard work involved i am really glad i did it, hope you all enjoyed it to.

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