IM ramblings to a friend about a new ship I’m enamored with…
^That is from the books. I’m not sure which one. This is an extra push to finally read the series! There’s also a popular pairing from the books involving Jaime (that isn’t yet featured on the show) that I could probably get behind…heh.
Orla: Anyway, this quote is not really spoilerish.
Orla: Now, I know that she's young and all that, but let me make my case:
1. I’ve always loved pairings where one is pretending to be a boy but is not doing a very good job of fooling the guy. It’s so secretiv, hot, and awkward!
2. And this ship is cute when they're young. It involves teasing, wrestling, bickering...GAH. He calls' her m'lady! She calls him stupid! Awwww.
3. And when they're older, the bickering, teasing, and wrestling becomes aggressive and sexy…
4. But regardless of their age, it involves friendship and trust. ♥
5. Its kind of amusing/cute how he feels awkward about noticing her “growing up.”
6. I love Arya.
7. I love Gendry. And he’s an armorer's apprentice. There’s just something so damn sexy about that…
8. Show!Gendry....GUH. *melts* I find him so attractive! I can't even! Jdhdhgjkjd!!!!!
9. I think the dynamic is also interesting because she's the lost Stark girl while he's the true Baratheon heir…so they’re royalty on the run!
10. They both don't like their proper roles. She should be a lady sitting and embroidering in a castle but wants nothing more than to run around in breeches with her sword while he's happy with being a blacksmith and probably wouldn't be interested in pursuing the throne even if/when he knows his birthright.
11. His father was desperately in love with her aunt, who was supposedly spirited like Arya. Their predecessors didn't get their happy ending, so they should at least! (i.e. DESTINY!)
12. I love the way he teases her and she kicks him and calls him stupid. Bickering relationships are always adorably appealing to me.
Orla: And yeah... Pretty much all of this is based on fanfic I’ve been reading all day. Hot damn, I need an icon! :D
I mean….they’re so fun and adorable on a show that is often bleak and malicious!