Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don't make sense. You'll be surprised though.
How am I feeling today?
Get Over It- OK Go
Will I get far in life?
Fall to Peices- Avril Lavigne
How do my friends see me?
Ironic- Alanis Morrisette (heh)
Where will I get married?
Masquerade- Phantom of the Opera
What is my best friend's theme song?
What You Are- Drill
What is the story of my life?
Defying Gravity- Wicked
What was high school like?
More than Words- Extreme
How can I get ahead in life?
Your Song- Elton John
What is the best thing about me?
Daddy's Little Defect- Sugarcult (dies a little!)
What is today going to be like?
something's always wrong- empire records soundtrack
What is in store for this weekend?
The Wizard and I- Wicked
What song describes my parent(s)?
Swing Swing- All American Rejects (emo parents?)
To describe my grandparents?
Hate every beautiful day- Sugarculy (old people do complain a lot)
How is my life going?
Let's Get Retarded- Black Eyed Peas (HAHAHAHA!)
What song will they play at my funeral?
Out Here All Night- Damone
How does the world see me?
I Melt With You- Sugarcult
Will I have a happy life?
Will I- Rent (ironic, no?)
What do my friends really think of me?
Til I Hear it From You- Gin Blossoms
Do people secretly lust after me?
You Oughta Know- Alanis Morrisette
How can I make myself happy?
Dateless Losers- Reel Big Fish
What should I do with my life?
The Animal Song- Savage Garden
Will I ever have children?
Touch Me- the Doors (uhhh awkward...)