Working Title: His Thief, His Rescuer, His Woman Author: Pirate Turner Fandom: Batman Pairing: Batman/Catwoman Rating: G Summary: ( Dominance doesn't always pay. )
Oh, this was just gorgeous. Loved every look and gesture that passed between Bruce, Selina and Alfred, the hope that fills the ending, and the flirtacious banter. Thanks for sharing! ♥
It seems, at times, to still be slipping and sliding some, but I've faith everything will turn out right in the end. I've started my new job, actually like it, and have been told already I'm a good worker (Wow! I can't believe I've actually got a job where I seem for now, at least, to be appreciated!). I'm getting 32 hours a week with decent pay, so that's good
( ... )
Comments 13
Give me a few more weeks on the Disney comm, and it may still become a reality.
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