Hey Travis, this wouldn't happen to be Travis Cook would it? From The Oaks School? If so, this is Maddie Mora. Remember me? I found you're LJ through Gabby. If not, well hello anyways! Always good to make new friends! Lol
Honesetly, i never liked you. I don't want to create some lame teen drama, because that's not me at all. You werent the kind of person i liked to associate myself with. And from reading a couple posts on your live journal, you're still not the kind of person i want to associate myself with. When you dedicate four lines in your livejournal to drinking and smoking, then i don't want to talk to you. Nothing against you, just the things you're doing. Also, when i hear things about your 11 year old brother getting drunk, with you, i can't help but be dissapointed. Be a big sister, don't let an 11 year old kid do that. This is the problem with society, can you show an compassion at all? Also, from the amount of comments you receive i deduce that either you have a small close knit group of friends, or, you're just trying to act cool, when you're not. Probably the latter. I know i'm being brutally honest, but this is just what i'm sensing from reading your lj. You may not be like this at all. Who knows? I haven't talked to you
( ... )
ok, fine, you didn't/don't like me. I don't care. I was just trying to say hi to someone from the past.But, seriously, don't act like you know the story of my life from a few entries. You have no idea of half the shit I've been through. I said they drank. Not they where drunk. they shared one beer. Livejoural is stupid and lame. I rarely update and only use it to keep in touch with some people in Australia (where I live) when I'm in the U.S. and vice versa.From what you say I gather you're straight edge which is fine by me but please don't go preaching when you're not asked to. I don't preach I'm vegetarian unless asked. I have very high morals/ethics and just because I like to have fun doesn't mean I don't have them. Don't be jelous because you're too scared to live a little. I have a more interesting life than you'll ever dream to have. good poetry. check out deviantart.com
Comments 10
Take it easy,
(Good move on nixing the pink text color)
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