Title: Drabbles #1
Pairings: Ryopi
Genre: various
Rating: various
Disclaimer: I own those guys only in my imagination.
A/N: I really can’t sum it up because it’s blend of few short stories and writing at length is pointless. So, if you are interested then read it, maybe you can enjoy it xD
The best thing
He thought that he saw everything what he could. He was someone, he was one of the Johnny’s, Japan was under his feet. Maybe concerts were the best things in his live, maybe it were those emotions when he stood on the stage with microphone in his hands, maybe it were those feelings which he received from his fans. Maybe he already experienced the best thing in the world.
But he was wrong.
When Pi for the first time told him those three magic words, Ryo felt that it was the best thing that could ever happen to him. But then again he changed his mind when for the first time he saw Pi’s sleepily face on his arm.
Maybe all the best is still before him, but he knew one thing - he will see that with Pi by his side.
Or in arms, it depends on time of the day.
It doesn’t mater that Pi, on his photos, looks like his needs to puke, like he wants be somewhere far away and he was doing it because he didn’t know different life. I doesn’t matter that he never smiles on magazine covers, on those pages drooled by freaky fans.
Ryo prefers that way, because those private smiles, smiles so bright that sun can hide and even moon shows up only when they are sleeping, smiles that he receives every morning are only for him and he’s a bit self-centered. World can’t have what he gets.
It’s exactly like it should be, fan’s can only get stuffed and shut up.
It happened before.
Ryo at his door in the middle of the night, quite drunk and Pi’s place is closer than his home. Yamapi can’t refuse him even if he’s tired from work and he only wants to go sleep. He can’t refuse, not him. So he yanks the doors wider and his friend can enter.
It happened before.
That time when Yamapi supports Ryo, because the older can’t reach bedroom and Pi wonders how the hell he came to his apartment. That happened before too, that strange feeling when Pi fells Ryo’s hands around his waist and maybe because of it, that route to room is like eternity.
But this? It never happened before. Ryo never kissed him like that and even if Yamapi would be more than happy, he knows. It’s not real. Sober Ryo would never do that.
“Ryo-chan, stop it.”
But Ryo can’t even answer. He’s too drunk and it hurts Pi, because the next day only he will remember. So he pushes Ryo, right on the bed, because no matter how Ryo acts, he can’t hurt him. He feels pain when Ryo looks at him with reproach and Pi can’t stand it, it’s too much, he never was tough. Yamapi leaves him alone and goes to living room, to hide in deeps of couch like it can save him, protect from those creatures which are waiting on occasion to attack
Before he falls asleep he touches his lips, trying, for the last time, remember that feeling. He thinks that world is cruel because his dreams came true but not in way in which they should. So is he lucky? Is he loser? He can’t say.
Pi doesn’t know, that Ryo wasn’t drunk. He only pretended. It was easier for him that way. But it’s too late, time already passed. Pi can only have his dreams and Ryo sight of his friend when the latter sleeps soundless, curled under blankets.
World indeed is cruel, but lack of communication much more.
Ryo walks into the room and he sees Yamapi. It’s nothing unusual, they live together, he would be surprised if Pi wasn’t there. But it some way that sight distracts him because Yamapi writes something obstinately. This is unusual. Maybe even scary.
“Pi, what are you doing?”
“My plan ‘How to conquer the world’”
Suddenly Ryo feels like after head-on collision. Because really… Come on… How much stupidity he needs around him?
“You ate too many sweets?”
“No! I’m serious!” Yamapi is a bit offended because it’s his mission and Ryo didn’t took him seriously. Why Ryo can’t understand that it’s matter of life and dead?
The best way is to give up so Ryo takes a deep breath and asks, even if he knows that he might regret it.
“So? What country is first on your list?”
“Osaka!” Yamapi replies happily.
“Idiot, Osaka is not a country.”
“I know that Ryo-chan, but if I subdue Osaka, then I will include it to Tokyo and you will be always in my town.”
It’s so stupid but so charming. Ryo never got it how Pi makes him defenseless but it’s not like he complains.
“And what about distance?”
Yamapi is silent for a minute and then he whacks his forehead.
“Shit. I have to improve it.”
Those stolen moments on the backstage, short times in the restroom.... it all proves that they are brave, maybe a bit crazy. It depends on opinion. But it’s not important, not to them, they never cared what others thought about their relationship.
They could endure work, wait until they will be at home. Of course that they could, but for what? That shiver of emotion, feeling that they could be caught red-handed and maybe even fired up... Nothing equaled those minutes.
So yes, call them mad, you can, but they wouldn’t agree with you. Have you heard about passion? That danger is hot? Well… they did, and we see effects.
They aren’t together or maybe they are, but none of them ever defined their relationship. In theory they have no rights, they aren’t in love, they can have only what one let have the other.
Something simple, something mundane. At least they can understand it and that’s enough even if all dreams are locked in the safe.
So then, if in some way they are just a acquaintance, what is that thing that Ryo feels when he looks at photos of Yamapi and his ex girlfriend? Why he throws that stupid magazine in Pi’s face? Why he feels like dying?
Is it jealousy or possessiveness? Ryo can’t answer on that question.
The answer scares him
Yup, Nishikido Ryo is a strong. He’s the only one and real Sexy Osaka Man. He has his reputation, there is nothing what scares him. Everyone fears him and his sharp tongue like it really can hurt. But well, we speaks about Dokkun so everyone must know what I mean.
Yup, Nishikido Ryo has a weakness. It’s not about spiders, it’s not about heights, it’s not about Tegoshi dressed as a girl. No, it’s nothing like that. It’s something scarier… It’s about that Yamapi’s pout. And it scares him like hell because no matter what Pi would do, Ryo can’t be angry on him when he see that expression.
Maybe Sexy Osaka Man is sick? Maybe he is, but he don’t want to recover.
Room is dark but you immediately see him, when he’s sitting in your armchair, fingers taping out some forgotten melody. You don’t know what to do, you never knew.
“You’re here… why?”
He stands up and goes into your direction. He’s a bit hesitant when he lifts his hand to your face, like maybe he don’t have any rights. You feel his touch and nothing else matter. But you’re waiting, it’s his turn.
“I left him.”
You were waiting on those words and now, when you hear them, every word he utters is sacred to you. Like he’s your general and you’re one of his soldier. Maybe he’s your Sybil and you’re like Tarquinius?
“I can’t lie anymore. I don’t want to lie.”
“It’s you… I even can’t named what you are doing with me.”
You’re standing in silent and only sound of rain drumming against the window panes and of passing cars tells that it’s reality.
“I love you… Too much…”
Rain doesn’t stop. You still can recognize that enigmatic rhythm. Something nostalgic but not sad, not anymore. You pull him closer, you want fell his warmth because you’re a bit cold. Or maybe you just missed him, you don’t know.
He looks at you and you think that’s all right, you can forgive him, maybe you can forget. It’s like he can enchant you and you can’t resist because your too weak. Maybe it’s him, maybe it’s rain. It doesn’t matter. Not for now.
It’s not like….
It’s not like they thought about it. Maybe it would be strange if they not, but it wasn’t their time. Something always showed up when they got any opportunity. They were friends, even the best one, but then again, it not like it had any meaning.
It’s not like they were in love. They would never said it. Someone could call it a stubborn personality, someone else would tell that it was a fear, they preferred “rationalization” or “curiosity”. It was always easier that way and they got their excuses. A bit useless, because no one knew.
It’s not like they missed each other. The saw themselves every day at work. It’s not like they wanted spend every minute together. They were adults, not a boys anymore. Longing like that was childish for them. No, nights never were stretching into infinity.
It’s not like they were fired up every time when they were in bed. It’s not like their touch made that they melted into the each other. It’s not like it was act of love, it’s not like passion was there too. No, they would never admit it. The matchstick has gone out, but it’s not like they were afraid.
It’s not like they were hurt when one of them saw the latter with someone else. Entwined fingers, mingled breaths, everything on right spot. It’s not like it moved them. They told themselves that they were unaffected by that. They were stars and they already saw enough.
It’s not like they were selfish. I didn’t matched with their images. It’s not like they wanted more and more, but none of them would give in. It’s not like they were egoistic, because really, what’s wrong in guarding your tings?
It’s not like they were lying. Nobody showed them the meaning of truth. They were lost in reality but that reality wasn’t our, so in the end, they were lost in dreams.
It’s not like the narrator is always right. It’s not like the facts can be show exactly like they were. Maybe narrator lied and everything was the other way around? At least they are always saying that I’m wrong. But you know? It’s not like I care.