Title: Between lines
Pairings: Ryopi
Genre: friendship, angst, romance (if you have good eye)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own those guys only in my imagination.
Summary: All I have it’s my guitar, these cords and the truth
... when he felt strings under his fingers, all those words he never spoke, came back to him )
Comments 15
"- I can’t. Not with you. Ryo-chan… only not with you…" WHAT?!! T__T
But whatever.. I really love the way this fic is written because we don't know where it's leading us.. And in the end, I was totally shocked at them not being together! xD
I know you said you would change your ending.. but I was still hoping you wouldn't! xD
I love how it redraws their story from Ryo's point of view! From their meeting to the return of NewS.. and with Ryo's jealousy toward Pi's friends..
Yay yay, really great fic! I love it! ^_^ <3
You reap what you sow so shut up ;) xD
And the ending is like the title, so I don't know if it's so much different from my others fic... but maybe it's just me? ;) I love when people have various points of view, so I guess I should shut up myself now xD
Anyway I think that it can end in two ways, or maybe in three, or four... It's not my job anymore to think about it xD
Thanks for reading <333
And maybe he did it because he thought that when his every move was observing he couldn't afford normal relationship and that half-ending maybe was better than crying. Or maybe I'm wrong? ;)
Thanks for reading <333
But there is that "promise that was up in the air" so really, they should just wait for right time.
And I don't think that Ryo is scared... he just didn't understand himself and that's why he never said a thing... or maybe he's a masochist ;)
But well, there is many possibilities how their story can go (because even if I wrote it I still believe in them being together) xD
Thanks for reading <333
i really like your writing!!
But in some way you have right with Pi and with his fear. To tell you the truth I never thought about it, when I wrote this I was focused on Ryo so it slipped my attention (what a writer... ). xD But I'm all for happy ending and I believe in them, that one day, when everything will be over, they would be together... At least if they still will want it xD
Thanks for reading <333
i love your writing style. it's so personal and there's that tinge of humor.
"Bakanishi! Leave Ryo-chan alone. He can pick up your stupidity." - lol.
there really are plenty of unspoken words here between ryopi. but well, maybe being in that position is ryo's comfort zone. bittersweet it is ( :
Unspoken? That's like the tittle xD
You know, when I'm writing something, I never see the whole picture and then when I'm reading comments I'm sometimes surprised how others interpret it, but for the first time, with this fic, I know everything. But I really love that there can be so many thoughts, I always try to write in that way xD
And I'm glad you like it! I told you that's different from my drabbles, so it makes me happy that you read it! Thanks <333
isn't it just interesting to hear how ur readers interpret your writing~
besides, i think it's not easy to write a good slice of life story... some that i've read before get a little draggy and routine.
I was bored with those fics, I really was, I couldn't read what I like, so that's why I started with my writing xD
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