Why Me?

Jun 07, 2005 23:20

Simple question, wish I had the answer so very much. Why am I still not over her? Why can't I get over her? Oh well, guess it's my curse to bare. I just wish there was someway I could change things. Night Folks.

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Comments 40

anonymous June 15 2005, 22:24:58 UTC
ariel you are a fucking bitch just stop being a 'tard and get a life both u and that anonomous guy/girl bi-sexual watever the hell u are it dosent matter better yet u 2 seem perfect for eachother in the fucked up world of retards ull be happy and content in ur ignorant, hipocritical, lame-ass fucked over lives

good day to u


^.^ anonymous June 15 2005, 22:29:46 UTC
We are perfect for each other, thanks for noticing ^.^ Im sure you and ....what was the term you used...oh "god-forsaken curse" have a happy life together as well.


Re: ^.^ anonymous June 16 2005, 23:07:05 UTC
Don't worry Tom. While me and Airel are making hot passionate love, I'll be thinking about how bad you missed out. Sorry. Enjoy your life with the "Skank" whom you talk about so badly.


Cegro orothos June 17 2005, 08:31:18 UTC
Don't worry, I won't be missing anything buddy. Go do what you will with her. My cares for her dissipated into a beautiful oblivion. Life has ways of working out for the best, all Airel did was cause more manic depression. I hope your able to deal with the BS. And I hope she's happy she picked a guy who has little to no dignity left. The best to both of you. I just hope her infectious disease doesn't totally envelope you and make the guy I once respected disappear forever. Good Luck and Godspeed, you'll need it.


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