(no subject)

Jan 27, 2007 08:31

Jessca, I give up.

I cant deal with these people. NO ONE entered my new challenge (well, Kelly did, but she's just awesome always), even after I posted a reminder.

I know I said I was going to try to give it a month longer, but it's been this way for MONTHS.

If they dont care enough even to onter a SINGLE ICON, then I dont care enough to keep putting up challenges. Not even the steady people, who I always got atleast one or two icons from, send me entries anymore.

I've been ditched by two comods, who apparently saw the uselessness long before I did.

I wish that I wanted to continue. But... it's really not fun any more.

I dont know what to do to make them active. I ask and ask what I should do, what changes I should make, etc, but no one even gives me suggestions. Other than "The caps you choose SUCK."

I just dont know.

Anyhoo... I've decided that I'm going to switch over to my new account permanently. I'll probably start posting on it in a couple days. Today I'm gonna start joining all the communities and friending everybody I have on this account.

And it's not like I'm deleting this account. It'll always be here, so I'll be able to come back and reminisce (I just know I didnt spell that right) whenever I want to.

Today Kate, Devin, Jessca and I are going to see Blood and Chocolate. We have to go all the way to Falmouth cuz they arent playing it around here. Riiiidiculous. Especially since they charge for a matinee what our theater charges for a normal nighttime showing. But it'll be fun, nonetheless.

DAMN it's freakin' cold. Seriously, we have the thermostat set to NINETY, and it's still under 70 degrees in here. It's like the heaters arent even on. But they are on, I assure you.

You know, I actually have to wear a sweater. And socks. Around my house. And I now realize that this isnt THAT big of a deal. But seriously, we always keep the house warm. 75 atleast. Cuz Dawgley gets too cold too fast, and that leads to badness. And cuz it's just more comfortable.

God my arm hurts. My shins are better again, but my upper arm hurts from where I fell. But it's not bruised, so I just look like a wimp. But I did something to the muscle, and its painful. And it's my right arm, so I'm having to do everything with my left. Which is difficult. I'm not that coordinated.

Sooo... yeah. I'm gonna go post on ros_textless, and then start switching over to my new account.
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