But you are not and that is good. :D I want to take a Japanese class! Of course, I am fluent in Japanese already, what with all the being able to turn into a SAILOR SENSHI!! Tsukino Kamate Oshiokiyo...or...something. :D
story link requestjeanwashereApril 20 2006, 20:49:09 UTC
Hello my name is Jean and I'm setting up a links page on my livejournal site (jeanwashere). This will contain a list of my favourite Harry/Draco stories and I would love to have your stories to be apart of that list. If this is either ok or not ok, please email on beanjlh@hotmail.com. Also would you mind if I added a link to your website or something. Thanks. bean. PLEASE REPLY!!
Re: story link requestbookshopApril 20 2006, 23:09:32 UTC
I am flattered that you would think of me, and of course you may list my fics. My website is notquiteroyal.net/topgallant. (It drastically needs an update!)
Well, I read your comment, and I have to honestly say I've never read that fic before. I swear to God, I would have never done something like that, really. But looking at this is really a bit scary, so I am going to speak to my friends about it - they helped me with the English, you see. You think I should take it down? This is so freaky.
The similarities are rather astounding. I think it would be better to take down the fic. Even if it wasn't purposely plagiarized, the similarities between the two fics are naturally going to draw comparison.
As someone who has read both fics, I have to say that I think it's very clear you are being purposely disengenuous about this. There's no way you could have coincidentally thought up not only the exact same scenario but the exact same scene order and the exact same dialogue - down to identical syntax and sentence structure.
To compare a few examples:
The original: "Though, if you're feeling generous, Shindou, those don't have to be mutually exclusive."
Your version: "And if you're feeling generous, Potter, they don't have to be mutually exclusive."
The original: "So, better than last time?" he asks.
Touya draws a steadying breath and fixes his tie. "An improvement," he allows, tone disdainful,
The original: Shindou can never, ever tease Touya for making noise again, because he realizes that the keening noise is coming from him, and he's pushing back now, desperate for more Touya's clever, clever tongue.
Your version: A desperate keening sound emerged from the back of Harry's throat as he pushed back desperately, begging for
( ... )
Comments 15
But you are not and that is good. :D I want to take a Japanese class! Of course, I am fluent in Japanese already, what with all the being able to turn into a SAILOR SENSHI!! Tsukino Kamate Oshiokiyo...or...something. :D
Hasta cuándo.
I am flattered that you would think of me, and of course you may list my fics. My website is notquiteroyal.net/topgallant. (It drastically needs an update!)
Thanks again! :)
....and now i will just stare in horror at how this looks. as;lkdfjlasdjldsajflkdsaj;klads.
To compare a few examples:
The original: "Though, if you're feeling generous, Shindou, those don't have to be mutually exclusive."
Your version: "And if you're feeling generous, Potter, they don't have to be mutually exclusive."
The original: "So, better than last time?" he asks.
Touya draws a steadying breath and fixes his tie. "An improvement," he allows, tone disdainful,
The original: Shindou can never, ever tease Touya for making noise again, because he realizes that the keening noise is coming from him, and he's pushing back now, desperate for more Touya's clever, clever tongue.
Your version: A desperate keening sound emerged from the back of Harry's throat as he pushed back desperately, begging for ( ... )
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