Rambling and a bunch of nonsense

Nov 05, 2007 21:33


Yes, I'm still alive, if being buried in homework can be considered living. ;) Life has gotten very hectic this term and hopefully I'll be able to return to my regularly scheduled life next term. If not, well I'll try to pop in from time to time.

Fandom issues... (cut for those who don't care)

I'm not happy with JK at the moment. But, it is her world and she can run it however she wants. I do not agree with those who say these are her characters, though. They sprang from her imagination and no one can take that from her. But I embraced these characters and they became real in my mind. Was that due to her writing? Perhaps, but they are just as much mine as they are hers, now.

That said, I leap into the land of I have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm going to espouse an opinion, anyway and hopefully I'll make some kind of sense.

We don't know what transpired between the parties involved in the lawsuit (between JK WB and RDR SVA). So any opinion on who is infringing on whose rights is based on hearsay and conjecture and your opinion of who is in the right. You may have legal training and specialized knowledge, but that doesn't mean that you know enough about this case to be able to make an informed decision on who is in the right. While I'm not happy with JK, I'm not willing to say that she doesn't have a right to protect her own creation. However, I'm not going to throw SVA to the wolves and say he had no right. WE JUST DON'T KNOW ENOUGH TO MAKE THAT KIND OF A BLANKET JUDGEMENT!!

I think it could and should have been handled differently, but again, I have no reliable information upon which to base a decision on who should have done what differently.
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