Англо-фракийско-русский словарь

May 29, 2013 19:45

Нашел на просторах интернета англо-фракийский словарь из 180 слов, добавил от себя перевод с английского. Вот:

  1. achel-: ‘water (noun), water (adj.)’ [Lith. H AkElE , Phryg. akala ‘water’].


  1. aiz-: ‘a goat’ [Armen. aic, Greek aix].


  1. ala: ‘current, stream’ [Latv. H Alaja, Lith. alE'ti ‘flooded’].

Текущий, поток

  1. alta(s): ‘current, stream’ [Illyrian RN Altus, Russ. (from Balt.) RN Alьta].

Текущий, поток

  1. an(a): ‘at, on’ [Avest. ana ‘along’, Greek aná ‘at, along’, Goth. ana ‘at, towards’].

В, на

  1. ang-: ‘curved, twisting’ [Old-Ind. ancati ‘a curve’, Greek ankos ‘valley, abyss’].

Изогнутые, скручивания

  1. ant(i): ‘against’ [Old-Ind. ánti ‘against, nearby, the Lith. añt ‘towards, against’, Toch. nt ‘through’, Greek antí ‘against’, etc.].


  1. apa, aphus: ‘water, river; a spring’ [Old-Pruss. ape ‘river’, apus ‘spring’, Old-Ind. p- ‘water’].

Вода, река, весна

  1. apsa: ‘aspen’ [Altin apse ‘aspen’, Old-Pruss. abse, Pol. osa (from Proto-Slavic *aps ), Old-HighGerman aspa ‘aspen’].


  1. arma: ‘swamp, bog’ [Lith. arma ‘bog, puddle’, armuõ, -eñs ‘the same’].


  1. ars-: ‘to flow; current, river’ [Old-Pruss. RN Arsio, Arse, Old-Ind. ár ati ‘to flow’, Hett. ar - ‘the same’].

Течь, текущий, река

  1. arta(s), arda(s): ‘current. river’ [Old-Ind. árdati ‘to flow’, Greek ard ‘to bedew’].

Текущий, река

  1. arzas: ‘white’ [Greek argós ‘white’, Toch. A rki-, B rkwi- ‘white’, Hett. kar-ki-is ‘white’].


  1. asa(s): ‘stone’, as(a)m ‘stony’ [Old-Ind. as’man ‘stone; heaven’, Avest. asman- ‘the same’, Pelasg. asáminthos (stone) bath’, Lith. akmuõ, -eñs ‘stone’].

Камень, каменистый

  1. at: ‘at, towards’ [Latv. ad ‘at, towards’, Old-Icel. at ‘at, opposite to’].

В, к

  1. ath-: ‘high, steep coast, a hill’ [Greek akt ‘steep coast, peninsula, cape’].

высокий, обрывистый берег,

  1. at(u): ‘current, stream’ [Latv. RN Adula, German Attel, Avest. adu- ‘current, stream, channel’].

Текущий, поток

B (11)

  1. bebrus: ‘beaver’ [Lith. bebrus ‘beaver’, Old-Pruss. b brus, Bulg. VN Bebrovo, Old-HighGerman bibar, etc.].


  1. bend-: ‘to bind’ [Old-Ind. bándhana- ‘binding’, Avest. bandayaiti ‘to bind’, Goth, Anglo-Saxon bindan, German binden ‘to bind’].


  1. beras: ‘brown, swarthy’ [Lith. b 'ras ‘brown’, Latv. b rs ‘the same’, Old-HighGerman bero ‘a bear’ (initially ‘brown’)].

коричневый, смуглый '

  1. berga(s): ‘hill, bank’ [Old-Icel. berg ‘mountain’, Old-HighGerman berg, German Berg ‘mountain’, Old-Bulg. breg , New-Bulg. brjag ‘bank, coast’].

Холм, банк?, гора

  1. berza(s): ‘birch’ [Lith. bér as, Latv. b rzs, dial. bêrza, Old-Pruss. berse, Russ. berëza, Bulg. breza ‘birch’].


  1. bredas: ‘pasture-ground’ [Russ. bred, bredina ‘pasture’, bresti, bredu ‘to cross by a ford’, Balt. (Zhemait.) RN Bred-upja].


  1. brentas (brendas): ‘deer’ [Messap. bréndon ‘deer’].


  1. brink-: ‘to swell’ [Lith. brìnkti [brìnkstu) ‘to swell’, Pol. na-brekac' ‘the same’].


  1. bruzas: ‘quick’ [Lith. brù as ‘somebody who runs to and fro’, the Slavic *b rz , Bulg. br z].


  1. bur, buris (boris): ‘man’ [Alb. burrë ‘man’].


  1. burt- (burd-) : ‘a ford’ [Slavic *brod , Bulg. brod ‘a ford’].


  1. b zas: ‘a goat’ [Avest. b za- ‘a goat’].


Ch (1)

  1. chalas: ‘mud’ [Old-Bulg. kal , New-Bulg. kal ‘mud’, Czech kal ‘swamp; mud. soft soil’].


D (5)

  1. dama: ‘settlement, place for settling’ [Old-Ind. dh man- ‘place for dwelling’, Greek thaimós ‘house’].

место для урегулирования

  1. daphas: ‘a flood’ [Lith. dãpas ‘a flood’, Norw. dial. dave ‘puddle, pool’].


  1. darsas (dersas): ‘brave, courageous’ [Old-Pruss. dyrsos (pl.) ‘able, brave’, Avest. dar yu- ‘brave, strong’].

храбрый, мужественный

  1. datan (datas): ‘place, settlement’ [Alb. datë ‘place, settlement].

Место, поселение

  1. dentu-: ‘clan, tribe’ [Latv. gens ‘clan, tribe’].

Клан, род, племя

  1. desa(s), disa(s): ‘deity, god’ [Greek théos ‘god’].

Божество, бог

  1. dinga: ‘fertile ground’ [Latv. dinga ‘fertile place’, Old-Icel. dyngia ‘dunghill’].

благодатная почва,

  1. diza: ‘fortress’ [Avest. uz-da za ‘a heaping, a fortification’, Old-Pers. did , New-Pers. diz, d z ‘fortress’].


  1. d n: ‘place, country(side)’ [Old-Ir. d , Gen. don ‘place, country(side)’, Greek chth n ‘soil, land’].

Место, страна, сторона

  1. drenis: ‘deer’ [Alb. Geg dre, dreni ‘deer’].


  1. dumas: ‘dark’ [Lith. d 'mas ‘dark, dark brown (for cattle)’, Latv. d ms ‘dark brown’].


  1. d n-: ‘hill, mountain’ [Anglo-Saxon d n hill, mountain’, German Düne ‘dune’].

Холм, гора

E (8)

  1. e(i)b-: ‘to flow, to drip’ [Pelasg. eib ‘to drip, to flow (out)’].

Течь, капать

  1. ermas: ‘fierce, mad’ [Alb. jerm ‘furious, mad’].

Жесткий, сумасшедший

  1. esvas (ezvas): ‘horse’ [Old-Ind. ás’va-h ‘horse’, Avest. aspa- ‘the same’, Latin equus, etc.].


G (7)

  1. gaidrus: ‘bright, clear’ [Lith. gaidrùs ‘bright, clear (cloudless)’, Greek phaidrós ‘shining, bright, cheerful’].

Яркий, чистый

  1. gava(s): ‘county, countryside’ [Goth. gawi ‘county’, pre-Greek gaia, Att. g ‘land, region’].

Страна, сельская местность

  1. germas: ‘warm, hot’ [Old-Ind. gharmá- ‘heat’, Armen. j^erm’warm’, Greek thermós ‘the same’].

Теплый, горячий

  1. gesa: ‘stork kingfisher’ [Old-Pruss. geeyse ‘kingfisher’, Latv. dz se ‘heron, kingfisher’].

Аист, зимородок

  1. gin-: ‘to languish, to spoil, to dry out’ [Old-Kurian Ginulle (a stream), Latv. g'nins ‘to spoil, to languish’].

Томиться, испортить, высохнуть

H (1)

  1. haimos (-on), *saimas (-an): ‘ridge, mountain chain’ [Old-Ind. simán- ‘ridge, boundary’, Irish s m ‘chain’].

Хребет, горная цепь
(Гем - Балканские горы)

I (2)

  1. ida (ide): ‘tree; forest’ [Old-Ir. fid, Gen. fedo ‘tree, trees, forest’].

Дерево, лес

  1. iet(e)r (=jeter-): ‘quick, agile’ [Old-HighGerman tar ‘quick’, Latv. ãtrs ‘quick’].

Быстрый, проворный

  1. l(u)-: ‘silt, mud’ [Greek lys, - os ‘mud, silt’, Church Slavic il ‘the same’].

Ил, грязь

J (1)

  1. i ras (=j ras): ‘water, river’ [Lith. j 'ra ‘a sea’, Old-Nord. r ‘drizzle’].

Вода, река

K (

фракийский язык, фракийцы

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