So on Monday I decided it would be a good idea to go home to Lexington to spend a couple of days with my parents. It's not like I have a job or anything at the moment and it would be a nice gesture to spend sometime with my family. I drove down on Wednesday, but instead of a 2 1/2 hour drive it turned into a 4 1/2 hour one.
Going from Dayton to Florence was uneventful, considering I got to Cincinnati at peak lunch hours, but was lucky to have no traffic. But once I got on to 75 and headed towards Lexington the traffic picked up a bit and was going pretty smoothly, the construction was pretty mild and the dropping of speed from 75 to 55 was at the minimum. However, once I got outside of Sadieville, I hit a blockage. Everyone was slamming on their brakes and there was no movement. I suspected an accident and stuck to the left most lane in hopes of moving past the wreckage in a timely manner.
However, that was not the case... The left lane was moving but the other lanes were not doing a thing. Many of the cars and trucks were parked and people were just standing there dumbfounded. In the far right shoulder you could see cars going in the opposite direction, trying to run up the exit ramp from the last exit, which incidentally was right there. I thought to myself, wow, that's pretty stupid. Now as I said before I was in the left lane, so I was moving pretty frequently further down towards the accident, but I soon came to realize up ahead that cars were making a turn towards the right hand shoulder to make a U-turn and make a bee line towards the exit ramp. I was about 5 cars away, when I rolled down the passenger side window and yelled up to a trucker. I asked him what was going on and he said "It's pretty bad, there is a truck down up ahead, we've been stuck for about an hour. Not sure how much longer it will be, I've been telling people to turn around right here and head up to the exit and take 25 south, which will bypass this whole deal." I thought to myself why not. So I made the turn and followed a line of cars towards the exit ramp.
Now, once we got to the exit ramp we all stopped, I couldn't see what was happening up ahead of me, but I could see a man going from car to car talking to the drivers telling them something. So I rolled down my window and he said "There is a state trooper up ahead and he has blocked off the exit ramp, no more cars up the ramp, you'll have to turn around". I thought to myself "FFFFFFUUUUuUuUuU!!!!" so I followed the vehicles in front of me into a wide u-turn back in to the further left lane again and just parked. I eventually got out of my car to stretch my legs and to talk to other people. This is what happened, a trucker hauling rebar, lost its cargo which landed on a small car, the car ending careening into the guide rail and the trailer back end smashed into the side of the car. Both vehicles spilled fuel on the freeway and hazmat, ambulance, firefighters and police were called to the scene.
Once the accident was moved and hazmat had cleared up the fuel spill, the traffic flowed again and I got to see the wreckage, which was pretty bad. The had called out a crane apparently and it was lifting the wreckage of the car plus all of the rebar onto another flat bed trailer. Anyway, I hope that guy/gal made it, the accident looked horrible.
So I made it to Lexington later than I had wanted to but ate heartily, I was tired and starving by this point. Thursday was pretty busy, I ended up getting up at 7:30am so I could help my mom cook some lunch for some friends that were coming later, clean the house and do other odds and ends. By 10:30 I had to leave to take one of their vehicles to the dealer for a free oil change and apparently some toyota recall/exchange thing. Normally this takes like 20 minutes at the most, but I was there for 2 hours. Not a big deal though, this place had a small theater, coffee and a popcorn machine. You could also get sandwiches and smoothies for a small price, but I decided against it, as I had lunch waiting for me at home and I love popcorn.
I came home much later to find my mom rushing me upstairs on imminent arrival of her friends, where I just decided it would be good to start on my homework. Which I completed, and now I have 1 1/2 papers to write before the weekend is out...yay. I had a great conversation with Becca as always. It was wonderful to hear her voice, granted even though I was more than happy to go down to Lexington, I still miss her very much and would have loved to look into her beautiful brown eyes.
Tomorrow morning I plan to get up around 8am and take a walk around the neighborhood and head towards the park that situated at the far end and walk back. My sister can make the total trip in about 45 minutes, hopefully I can be as lucky. I have to also hook up my dad's laptop to the big screen tv in the family room, it should be fairly simple. It will be an HDMI to HDMI connection, so I'll be headed to Walmart sometime hopefully before lunch to purchase a 6 footer.
I plan on returning back home on Saturday, I want to stop by Florence and see if I can see S&C. It's been about 3 weeks since I saw them last, I texted them when I drove down on Wednesday which they replied to stating that they have plans. But even if its a short meeting it would be worth it. I want to maybe try to hit up the Hawaiian Ice place and get some goodness. It's not that expensive and since I don't eat it everyday, it would be a nice treat to have considering tomorrow and Saturday are supposed to HOT!!!... Tomorrow in Lexington its supposed to be 98 with a Index of 110....ugh. I sense it to be quite the miserableness, hopefully it won't be that bad.
Last night I spent my last waking hour reading the bible, I'm still in Genesis, but I'm making progress. The Old testament is huge compared to the new, but I'm looking forwards to passing the Old and getting onto the new, but I have about 1000 pages before I get there. Like I said I'm making progress and learning a lot, about how the word of god was spread from one human to another. A lot of it was interaction with the pharaohs of Egypt, its very interesting. But I'm liking it, compared to the Gita, this book is ten times as big... its just huge. But after attending church for the past couple of months and learning about the books of Matthew and John, its been relevating and I have really been enjoying the word. I've been learning a lot about myself in how to really become one with the world, and help better deal with difficult situations.
So, this is what I want with my life currently, I want a career. In order for me to obtain this goal I need an education, which I'm following currently. I want to achieve this goal quickly and efficiently and hopefully by the end of it I will have achieve my goal to obtain my career as a software engineer. My next goal is to lose weight, I've started a new diet, which involve shakes and watching my caloric intake, as well as exercise. My next goal is to marry Becca, I know that a lot of the previous goal will help achieve this next one.
So I want my future to include Becca and I want to start a family with her and enjoy the rest of our lives together. I want it to be fruitful in every possible way. So its important that I take my current situation by the balls and really move forward with a lot of my goals.
This band is the shiznit, I used to listen to them 24/7 back in the day. They still are pretty awesome, this is one of my favorites that they sing.
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Here's one of my Favorite songs:
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