Diary of the Condemned- 1

Jul 10, 2005 16:50

I just stumbled upon this piece that someone on-line somewhere has written, I'll post just the first part of it for now, it's kind of short, but so is the whole story... Let me know what you think to compare??? reminds me of Poe and Dostoevsky:

Diary of the Condemned


I’ve gotten looks such as you’ve never seen before. They stare without pity, gnashing their teeth in vexation at me; vexation that people, such as I, could exist. They snarl as if they know the inside of my mind, that somehow they can comprehend the pure genius I present that gives reason for my bad morals; the morals that society condemns. I am by no means a genius, but I do have brilliance to my so-said madness. They have no idea of such things- nor would they understand it- as they accuse me of wrong-doings.
Yet here I find myself pointing out the obvious. Indeed there is no way to justify my actions in there mind. No basic starting point from which it could be drawn from. Only I know, and I know I did well, I did what was good for all. It is them, who are at fault here, not I!
I have only done what all of the human race has done before it. Such a selfish batch we are, but it is only through this selfishness that we can continue to exist. We all must die, we all must therefore live through ourselves for all selves at all times and have no other way. This has given me the names of narcissistic, or worse than that, greedy. I am by no means a greedy man. No more than the Inn shop keeper who needs to put dinner on the table is a selfish man. I am much more than people know, more than my actions show. Inside I am the great man I strive to show all others, I am more than appears to the simple eye- the eye of the many less intelligent people that surround me and condemned me to this wretched hole of a place… how dare they question my actions when they can’t even comprehend who I am beneath all that, how dare they lock me up in this iron box to rot?!
By now I’m sure questions have arisen in your mind as to what the filth that brought me here on execution row finds a valuable reason to do so. Believe me I still question that even now, months later when they still cannot seem to justify it themselves. I do not expect you to understand my actions, no one ever can for no one has the wisdom and virtue that I alone possess (that has been proven to me), but I do hope that insight into my mind- into the one thing that manages a clear view through all of this dense fog that covers societies vision- will give you some sense of the wrong-doings of all of you. I’m sure you haven’t even found the meaning of life… ha! I laugh with pity upon you all, in your endless search for understanding… I am NOT insane! Yes, many have accused me of not being in the right mind, but they are just jealous. Simply jealous of my awareness and knowledge of this world- do you not want to know the secrets I alone have found? It seems you work over time to see to it that I do not spread my knowledge, that somehow it is a disease inflicting the mind, but you see, it is truly the *only* cure for the stupidity and blindness humanity has lived with for millions of years- the disease is within you and your lack of good judgment. What pleasure does it give you to pretend I am mad? I know- it is simply you don’t want to be proven wrong, to see the mistakes you have all made suddenly be shown to you by a man of my young age who has understood with such ease.
I am sure you are pointing out to me now idiotic beliefs that you do indeed know what is under the complex code that makes up our daily lives- that you are somehow different than those who simply becomes part of this cryptogram, never to escape into the truth of reality. Let it be noted first there is no God, there is no greater being and you are alone no matter what you think- this is the first point I found it necessary to prove. Can’t you all see that I am simply here to help, and yet you have turned against me wrapped up in your pride! I seem to be the only one who realizes the fragments our lives are made of, the only one to connect them, and yet you find it essential to turn away from the answers I possess?! I had no hidden means to taunt your stupidity, forgiveness was offered and still you held your head to high, as if you somehow are better than I- here my comrade, you are mistaken, I am the only one who seeks the truth and found it, I am therefore the only one who is truly living, my actions were only to assist you in realizing your slip-ups, and yet you condemn me for this too- you misunderstood! I do not blame you, I just ask you let me out- let me spread the word and I will hold nothing against you! - can’t you see you are holding back human beings from living?! You are the monsters, not I, no- not I!

So tell me yeah??? I thought it was... interesting?

(Obviously a fiction piece... =p)

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