Leveled MNK a bit more... [omg, I didn't expect that to happen - >.> /sarcasm off] 52→57 was pretty much done in 2 parties. They were both late at night and performed really well EXPwise.
Thursday night, I was LFP around midnight and I get a /t from a MNK asking if we could do MNK PTs at this level; he had a BRD RDM and WHM. I didn't really have a clue, but I was thinking: "Well, it can't be that bad... Might as well try." Anyways, we roll out to Garliage Citadel with 3 MNKs, BRD, RDM and WHM. The plan was to Counterstance tank the Fallen Majors/Mages and the Magic Pots. We'd empty out the NE corner and then move over to the tunnel at the SE corner and empty that out too. Rinse→Repeat. Fun PT. We ended up getting around 7k/hr so it wasn't bad at all; the PT disbanded after I dinged 54 and I went straight to bed because it was 3AM.
Friday night, a few of my LS friends wanted to level together so I decided it'd be fun. Initially, the party was WAR[Ara] MNK[me] NIN BLU[Remus] BLM[Jomiel] RDM. Except for the NIN and RDM, everyone was in the LS.
The RDM... oh god... don't get me started on the RDM... First of all, we were going to EXP at Wajaom Woodlands and the guy was in Windurst and has to take a chocobo to Mhaura to take the ship to White Gate. >.> We wanted to ditch this guy and grab a different RDM, but Jomiel's really nice so we just went and started on the Lesser Colibri's with just 5 until he got there. After about 45 minutes or so, he finally gets here and we move over to the Leypoint [where you're at when you use your Olduum ring] to kill the Lesser Colibri's there. Anyways, the RDM refreshes himself and the BLU, but forgets [or refuses, I 'unno] to refresh the BLM. Oh and haste... I think myself and the NIN were hasted 2, maybe 3 times and that was the last time I ever saw him cast that spell. We had to deal with him for ~1hr and he had to go [thank god!] and then we replaced him with a WAR in the LS[Ogc].
We headed back to Al Zahbi to replenish our sushi supply [the Lesser Colibri do 3 TP moves: a)Removes your food. b)Removes your TP. c)Multi-hit move] and for Jomiel to get materials to make tons and tons of Yagudo drinks for MP regen. The BLM and BLU got the refresh sanction bonus and the rest got the regen sanction bonus [lol at the idea of getting the food duration bonus] and we headed out again - this time as WAR WAR MNK NIN BLU BLM. We chained the hell out of the stuff and MP wasn't an issue. Jom's a champ WHM so she knows how to make the best of her MP. At our peak, we were getting 10.5k/hr, but on average, we got around 9.5k/hr. Nothing to scoff at for a mid50's party without a BRD. I was actually 4k from 57 when we disbanded at 4AM; we nearly got 3 levels in a little over 4 hours.
Today, I was pretty desperate to hit 57 so I could wear my SH+1 so I joined a PT in Cape Terrigan as a rep [I hate being a rep in a PT... it usually means the PT either sucks or it'll disband pretty fast]. I used my EXP ring so I'd hit 57, even if the PT sucks. EXP was slow and it wasn't very fun, but I did it. I dinged 57.
Here's a shot of my MNK... followed by a /c:
Thats about it, bye.