Okay I don't mean to whine or anything, buuuuut...
"While licensing problems are in the way of a North American release of Gedo Senki, UK DVD releaser Optimum will release an English subtitled, region 2 DVD for the UK market in the summer of 2007."
; ( argh! i've known for a while now that Gedo Senki (AKA Tales of Earthsea, AKA Studio Ghibli's latest release) wasn't going to be released in the US until 2009 (because of fucking Sci-Fi channel holding on to the rights of the Earthsea series in the US until 2009, because they made some shitty tv adaptation 2 years ago that fucking sucked), but now the UK gets it even before us? T__T I couldn't find it for download either, only because I don't think its on dvd yet (if a movie isn't televised beforehand, fansubbers will wait till its available on dvd). By the time it comes out here, Ghibli's next movie will have already been dubbed in english and released here! >( wtf is wrong with you Sciffy channel?
... The Fountain didn't do very well at the box office T_T I feel terrible that such a wonderful movie didn't recieve more attention. Some idiot critic said it "wasn't very accessable". What a load of bullshit, you sit an you watch a movie, it asks nothing of you except maybe for you to consider that there is more than one way to view death beyond what christianity has all of western society trapped inside. Fucking A.
oh! and here's the picture my sister drew for me for my birthday ^__^ note: it's chibi on purpose peoples, she's pretty good when it comes to anime-style XD (she reads lots of tutorials lol)
[Linku] [Side Note about the thing i just said about christianity: I won't lie, I realize that many of christianity's teachings have the intent of being helpful to people, and that one can come to a somewhat good realization of things through studying it's teachings (if you discount the constant messages telling you to repress everything), the problem is that those truths are intentionally hidden away and wrapped up inside of thousands of layers of dogma and bullshit, and all the general christian layperson will ever actually come to understand through this is superstition and other nonsensical idealogies, because there just isn't enough of an effort inside of christianity to reform itself into something that is wholly helpful to everyone. You know something funny that alot of priests will never tell you? Its that many priests themselves have a hard time swallowing all the bullshit, and have to come up with ways to rationalize things so that they can stay christian and still believe some of it. Like the dogma that Jesus was the Son of God? A monk I knew ended up rationalizing that as not actually referring to jesus being born of god, but that he was 100% man who had just reached a higher state of mentality, one which any human being could achieve. Sounds an AWFUL lot like what Nietzsche was saying, hmm? (or even the thing in "Stigmata" XD) Jesus was a very smart and well educated person, and he relied on himself to determine how he would believe, and no one else, which I greatly admire. But as it stands now, christianity is no longer what Jesus taught, its just a giant cross the masses are willingly crucifying themselves on, nuff said.]