day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty

Jun 23, 2011 10:58

I... kind of had some rough times during college. And, while I've never been one to whom it would ever occur to say "this music helped me through ___" (because that's just not how I work), I've always been extremely into music and so have some very strong associations of certain music to certain times in my life.

So at the time I had basically just discovered Buck-Tick and was working my way through their backlog of music. There might be a couple of specific songs that trigger feelings of guilt, but they're more tied to the feel of the albums I was listening to at the time, Taboo and Kurutta Taiyou (one of my favorite BT albums). I just, kind of have to deal with the hurty feelings sometimes because there's just no way I could stop listening to BT, they're just too fucking good. <3

Buck-Tick's Iconoclasm (from the Taboo album)
Fave lines: one for the money / two for the x / skip three and four / five for japanese babies

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music:bt, meme:music

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