you know that feeling when you feel like life sucks but it really doesnt. like youre having a really bad day and it makes you feel like everything sucks just because of that one day even though everything does not suck every other day? i hate that. im feeling that right at this moment. its because im bored. and when you have that feeling that life sucks you think of crazy things to do because life sucks but if you actually go through with them, life will suck even more. i hate feelings and emotions when life sucks. i wish there was something to occupy you all the time, something interesting, to make life exciting. whats the point of having bad days and making you think that life sucks when you should be using every possible day to have fun because you never know what will happen to you. i want a big change. like cutting my hair or wearing an outrageous outfit or something to catch everyones attention. i dont know.
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