Hello lovelies :)
I hope that my over-excited abuse of caps-lock has at least piqued your interest, because I am announcing something pretty awesome that I've been planning for awhile and have recently gotten approval from the mods at
usxuk to start this and I'm going to be pimping the living shit out of this, starting with all of my f-list who follow Hetalia and love USUK as much as I do.
I am going to be moderating and organizing a monthly recommendation list on our community starting in October (please, feel free to get excited, I fully encourage it ;D)!!!!
I am super excited about this and I want to share with all of you why I wanted to start this and why I hope I can count on your help to start thinking about things you would live to rec once this is launched. Recently, as I'm sure some of you are aware, there has been an increase of hate in our fandom, be it self-hate, hate of the pairing, or just general unpleasantness all around. And all that hate just creates a stangnant pool of sadness between all the truly wonderful writers, artists, vid makers, crafters (yes, i'm refering to you
nasty_show because you are awesome) here and that has been bringing me down of late. And, the best thing I've found to do when i'm down is to pull myself up by my bootstraps and keep on keeping on--and that's fully what I'd like to do here.
I've recently become heavily involved in another fandom, and i'm sure if you read through some of the more recent entries and memes you can figure out which one, and in a community here on LJ, they have a weekly rec post. It truly blew me away how such a simply thing like a rec post could just bring all sorts of different people together and how it kept the creativity in the fandom high and the spirits strong. It only took my haunting those recs a few weeks before I decided I wanted to start something similar at
usxuk . I want to spread the Love, as it were, around in this fandom again and I think this is the best way I'll be able to do it!
Now, there are going to be ground rules here and they will be enforced, either by myself, or if I have to, the mods. It's the best way to keep the wank to a minimum, and let's face it, our fandom is prone to it as it is so a little precaution won't hurt, and also keep the rec post focused and also make sure that the Love is spread around!
The Groundwork
- The recs will be centered around America, England or USUK. It can be any interpretation of those, but one of those should at least be a focus.
- Bashing of anyone else's rec/opinion will not be tolerated. Just don't do it. Remember: this is a project for Love, not hate.
- As much as we all love certain works and authors, this is meant to spread the Love as much as possible, which means double recc'ing ishould be kept to a minimum. Each rec will have it's own thread, and if you wish to express your love for a work, please gush to your heart's content in the comments! If, however, you do double rec, you must also rec something new as well, that way we spread the Love around as much as possible!
- R-18 recs will be allowed in this rec post, however, PLEASE make sure you leave a title, rating, status (either WIP or finished) and author when you rec. A description on why you love it should also be included and it can be as long as short as you want, just pimp your love for the rec!
All types of rec are absolutely acceptable! The whole shebang, we're talking fic, art, fanmix, graphics, tumblr sites, videos, authors/artists. Everything. GO WILD.
There will be more information released the sooner we get to launching, but this is the skinny of it. But this is where YOU all come in! This will crash and burn EPICALLY without all of you, without people who rec their tails off and pimp this out along with me! I've spoken to a few people already and they are preparing ideas for recs and all I ask is that you do the same, if you can, and if you are so inclined, please re-post, re-blog whatever this to others and spread the word. If you have ANY questions, don't hesitate to ask me, i'd be more than happy to discuss this with you!