Title: Star-Crossed
Genre: humor, romance, angst
Pairings: USUK, side France/Seychelles, Belarus/Russia, Austria/Hungary, brief one-sided America/Taiwan
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: adaptation, poor attempts at humor, rampant character deaths (no one to fret over)
Summary: This is a story about many things. But mostly, it's about a boy and a star.
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Comments 15
But really, really cant wait for the next part of this!
I also like the how we got a bit more for Matt's point of view!
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Eee, so close to the end! Looking forward to the last part~ <3
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You have completely made my morning with this update, I really mean that. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the fight and to see how Alfred would interact with Matthew. Also; Arthur, you are so damn tsundere, and Natalia, you scare the absolute shit out of me sometimes.
There were a couple things I noticed though:
"so he could start wholly with new his future." should switch that around at the end.
"before he turned focused his attention away from the window" which action did he take? xD
There's only one more in there somewhere, but I can't remember where it was. Somewhere in the dialogue between Alfred and Mei? Otherwise, I cannot possibly wait patiently for the next chapter, but I will, because you've always made it worth it. :D
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just one more chapter >.< can't wait to read it but at the same time I don't want it to end :P
again, the way you narrate this story is beautiful and I love it ^^
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Love this update!
Eeeeeee! I'm so excited for the next chapter, but at the same time utterly distraught that it will be the end. Boo!
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