Teacher: Mitarashi Anko
Class: Football/Cheerleading
Grades: All
Periods: All
Now that midterms were over, and Anko had cleared away the tedious, textbook section of the class syllabus, she could finally get her students back on the field-- or, well, the polished wood floor, but it was the same idea. She stood with her hands firmly on her hips, waiting for her students to shuffle into the gymnasium from the locker rooms and take their places. They knew the drill-- she'd beat it into their heads enough, nearly literally at some points-- and a quick glance told her who was present and who was absent. She'd given more than enough time for everyone to get changed, and immediately began the warm-ups, eager to get to something with a little more substance. It took every ounce of will power not to rush through the sequence, but she did have an ounce of compassion to her name, and didn't want anyone to get hurt. Besides, an injured team member was generally useless.
"Alright ladies," she announced pointedly, smirking at the assorted males also present. "I know you're a little out of shape from these past few weeks, but we're gonna work to fix that today."
"My cheerleaders, today you'll be doing
toe touch drills.
* 3 sets of leg lifts: sit in a straddle on the floor, hands are behind you for support (hands should be on the floor, under or near your tail), slightly lean back and lift both legs (about a foot off the floor), keep your legs STRAIGHT, WITHOUT your legs touching the floor lift them 10 times, release, count to 10 for a breather and repeat. Do a total of 3 sets. Leg lifts are hard but it will strengthen your legs and improve the height of your jumps!!!
* After leg lifts will be side high kicks: arms in a T motion, with right leg kick 5 times, breather for for 5 seconds, switch to left leg 5 times.
* Ready to begin: Throw your toe touch, count 5-6-7-8, throw another, then repeat.
When you are throwing your toe touch:
* Make sure you have a good prep (feet and legs together, bending knees, keeping your back straight). Really concentrate on using the muscles in your legs when prepping, after all that is how you get off the ground in the first place :).
* When you are in your toe touch position (in the air) DON'T reach for your legs. Arms should be in a 'T'. Bring your legs to your arms, not arms to your legs!
* Keep your legs straight. Bent knees make a toe touch look sloppy.
* POINT YOUR TOES, and when landing, make sure your feet are together... DON'T FORGET TO SMILE!! :)
((stolen shamelessly from
I'll be hearing no complaints on the matter, and you will do your exercises with a smile."
"And to my football players," she continued, "We'll be playing a
little game. I want you to split up into groups of five, grab four balls, and take one of the squares I've marked out." She motioned to a mesh bag of black and white balls, and the squares on the floor that had been set out with blue painter's tape. "One of you will be the 'ghost', an the rest of you will dribble inside the square. Whoever is the ghost has to try to kick the balls away from the other players and out of the square. If your ball gets kicked out, either by you, or the ghost, then you're officially out. Last man standing wins. Since this should go fairly quickly, when you're done, I want you to choose a different ghost, and repeat the process, either until the end of the class, or until all five of you have been the ghost. Got it? Good.""
"And my students in both classes, I'd like you to focus on cheerleading today, and if you finish early, you can jump in on one of the dribbling drills. There should be no questions, so get to it!"
((I think I only have...three students. But damn I loved this game when I played footie...it's like Pac Man, get it? :D))