[Wandering out into the open area mostly for a change of scenery, Shinji took a seat close enough to talk to Kenya if the other wsa so inclined but hopefully far enough to not spread his germs.] Morning Kenya-san. Are you feeling ok? You looked really plae yesterday when I saw you in the hall, I hope you didn't catch this bug that's been going around.
[Kenya looked up at the flash of green, but there was no blue to go with it, so he just smiled at the other boy.] Nah, I was just...having a bad day, you know? These things just happen. Especially locked up like this.
You feeling better? I heard you got hit with it pretty hard.
That is true...but if you want someone to talk to on the weekends, come find me ok? And yeah I'm feeling a little better, thanks. I might actually get over this crap in a few days.
[Kenya smiled again, really there were some nice boys around here.] Thanks, Ibu. I appreciate the offer. I hear you are definitely the one to go to if you want talking.
[He leaned forward a little.] Does Kamio still think he can ever beat me?
[Not giving himself the chance to talk himself out of it, Kenya walked into the Green Dorm and knocked on Masaharu's door.] Hey, rise and shine, escape attempts before beauty sleep!
[His initial reaction at the knock is tell whoever it is to fuck off and let him sleep because he's perfectly happy lying in bed and not moving. He's feeling rather lazy. He recognizes the voice though and rolls onto his back to look at the door.]
Ya woke me up! [He picks up once of the pillows, ready to throw it at Kenya's head as soon as the door is open.] Come in then.
[Kenya comes in and sees a pillow coming at his face. He catches it, quickly and sends it flying back at the blue boy.] What are you doing still asleep?
[He comes over, grabs the blankets and pulls them off,] Rise and shine!
[He catches the pillow and puts it behind his head, frowning when the blankets get pulled off.] Sleepin'. Don' go' nothin' ta do today so I figured I'd jus' sleep.
Comments 179
You feeling better? I heard you got hit with it pretty hard.
[He leaned forward a little.] Does Kamio still think he can ever beat me?
Ya woke me up! [He picks up once of the pillows, ready to throw it at Kenya's head as soon as the door is open.] Come in then.
[He comes over, grabs the blankets and pulls them off,] Rise and shine!
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