Aug 18, 2010 20:07
for (out of character), activity.
⇨ Backtagging: Anytime and always! ♥
⇨ Threadhopping: Sure.
⇨ Fourthwalling: Only if it's Fourth Wall Day. Otherwise? No.
⇨ Canon puncture: No.
⇨ Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'd prefer to keep from discussing "genocide" much with him. Anything else though is fair game.
for (in-character), activity.
⇨ Hugging this character: Go for it.
⇨ Kissing this character: LMAO sure.
⇨ Flirting with this character: Shureee.
⇨ Fighting with this character: Of course!
⇨ Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Cuts, bruises, slashes, whatever-- is fine. Anything more severe and potentially life threatening, please discuss it with me first.
⇨ Killing this character: Discuss it with me.
⇨ Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure.