(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 20:12

well, i lost my job on friday

walked into work to start my shift, and the manager comes up to me and tells me that as of sunday 30th october, the coffee club dandenong is closing its doors. which meant i was given 2 days notice that i was out of a job before the whole shop closed

the manager also said something about because of the inconvenience, we should get an extra 38hrs pay as a sort of "sorry we fucked you over" kinda thing. so i can kinda deal with being unemployed, free time and all, and there was also the possibility that the employees from the dandenong store might get re-hired at a brand new coffee club at southland

so payday came and went, and all that we got was an extra $100. mind you, this is still good because as a casual employee i dont have the right to any kind of payoff, but still i was kinda relying on the extra $500ish i'd be getting from the 38hrs extra pay. so, now im extremely poor, out of a job, and theres pretty much no chance in hell of us getting re-hired at this new store

basically, im up shit creek without a paddle

everyone keeps telling me "oh just get a shitty job in the meantime and while you're working there, look for a better job". they just dont get that THAT'S NOT ME. i dont believe it's right that someone agrees to hire me and i leave like a month after i start. thats fucking over a business and its the type of employee i would hate to hire. its just not something i could do. and also, i dont want to work in another shitty job where im not respected or paid properly or basically treated like shit in any way. i value my self respect much more than that, and my sanity as well. it was bad enough having to work for my parents again today because they urgently needed a fill-in receptionist. as predicted, it was a fucking shitty day

it started off by taking me 2hrs to get from home to port melbourne. at max, it should have taken me a bit over an hour. so i arrived to work 45mins late. dad was also running late (as usual) so i had to appologise to patients waiting for the delay, i had to try and muddle my way through all the bullshit that had to be dealt with and deal with fucking unhappy employees, sitting in a swealtering room because the air conditioner wasnt working, and bloody finishing half an hour later than i was supposed to (because i cannot ever rely on my parents' word) which then made me half an hour late to my tafe class this afternoon, which they knew fully about. they care more about their business, than my education

plus, im bloody sick again. im so over it all

last night i went to the beach with porter and rob, and on the way they started to ask me about work and stuff, and they were telling me that i'm just gonna have to get a shitty job if i want money then quit when i find a better one. they were telling me this like it was my only option, and neither of them stopped to listen to my reasons not to. i ended up silently crying in the back seat for most of the way there...

everything's just gotten to the point where its all so fucking screwed up that im starting to give up hope, and i'm feeling more and more alone each day
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