Lots of things have happened since I last wrote and now. I've been very busy. :p
Moved out of the crappy apartment and into an awesome house with awesome friends. I'm living in Ohana house now. Much better living arrangements than the old place, or the place I was going to move into.
However, there was a flood here last month. Boo on that. Pets and people were all safe, but we're still putting everything back together. I had lots of stuff in the garage and lost most of it. Lame, but it's just stuff. The ferrets were downstairs with the flooding but luckily they're both okay. :3
Worked at the zoo all summer. Quit applebee's. The zoo was... eyeopening. There was a lot of things going on that I didn't agree with. I finished my contract, but I don't think I'll be going back unfortunately. I loved the work, not so much the people and policies.
Between jobs right now. Also lame. I have a few sort of prospects, but with the current economy, I'm a bit worried about finding a job soon. Fingers are definitely crossed.
Cajun is still the awesomest boyfriend ever. I spent two weeks in Canada and loved every second. We had lots of fun hanging out and being all couple-y. And I helped pick up his house. Though I'm jealous of his new ginormous TV that he got the week after I left. :p
So that's been pretty much it. Nothing terribly exciting or mind shattering, which is pretty good. Other than the job front, things are going well. But with Windycon and MFF coming up (also my birthday), November should be the most hectic month evar. Yay.