Much television.
It seemed like a really slow episode - given that we already knew (thanks, promo-monkeys) that the Replicators were the real issue and that the team will be back in Atlantis sooner or later anyway. Still, a few nice character moments. And goofy though it was, I liked seeing the good old-fashioned SG1 plan of "Let's just go ahead and defy all orders as we know we are doing The Right Thing and will eventually be vindicated anyhow". They could do fun and interesting things with this. Like actually following through with booting John out of the Air Force and making him defect to the Pegasus galaxy as a permanent resident. It's not like he has anything holding him back on Earth anyway. But they won't. They'll save O'Neill and Woolsey and probably get commendations and pretend Landry never threatened to court martial him or as near as ignore it as makes no difference whatsoever. Eh, whatever. I thought it was sort of interesting that Teyla was the one going "Well, yeah. The Genii are weasels and we ought to trust them about as far as McKay could throw them... but joining them beats farming." whilst Ronon was the one going "Y'know, given the alternatives here, this farming thing might not be all that boring..." It was obvious, however, that they were both more than slightly relieved to see the Earthlings come back. The second half of this episode/season could be fun.
* * *
Smith again. - More
hmmm... They cut a lot out of the pilot the second time around. No discussion of Tom's new parolee anklet. No scene of Jeff advising Tom to stay clear of Annie. No Jeff kicking the cat. No abduction of said cat by Jeff and subsequently leaving it at Tom's. Okay, so not a lot. But a lot of the Tom and Jeff interactions. They also ditched the bit about how Annie got the new IDs and it seems like there was something else, but I've already forgotten. Nothing that made the rest of the ep make any less sense, but it did put some nuances on the way Tom and Jeff both react to Annie.
Because of the double flashback at the beginning, I didn't really miss as much of this episode as I'd originally thought. Though I do wonder, given what I know was cut later, if they cut anything from the part I didn't see the first time around. The only interesting thing that I am glad I got to see this time was Tom's release from prison. He and Jeff definitely have some sort of really wonky history together. There's nothing quite so interesting as the relationships of very screwed up fictional people. And they are so very screwed up. Oh, and seeing Jeff surf was spiffy. I'm sure there's no way insurance is letting Simon surf, but it was awfully convincingly shot. Very pretty.
I skim the TWoP boards to see if I ever miss cool subtext or misinterpret scenes. Am greatly amused to see folks griping more about Jeff kicking the cat than whacking the beach guards. Also, as I have never seen the Sopranos, I have no unfavorable comparisons for this show. At this point, I think it's pretty entertaining. However, I am shallow. And also fickle. Pretty as Simon is, not even for him did I ride out the rest of the Guardian a few years ago. So, we'll see.
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Jericho -
Well. Considering that Skeet is pretty much the only reason I tuned in to begin with and I spent most of the episode missing Miracles and pondering whether to move it from my wish list to my shopping cart... that probably doesn't bode well for my continuing to watch this show. It does, however, bode well for Miracles that I think I spent as much time mocking it as I did admiring it, yet still have such fond memories of the show. Still, who names a kid Skeet? And why does anyone over the age of twelve still allow people to call him this? Get a grown up name already. And as a random aside, it is so very VERY wrong that Skeet is older than me and yet Colin Ferguson is younger. In what reality is this even possible?
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Also watched three Midsomer Murders.
Two I'd seen before -they both had Troy- and one of the new ones with Scott, who is apparently already gone too. Endearing though Troy and his random biases were, I think Scott and his violent tendencies could grow on me as well. He does seem to be a bit more on-the-ball than poor Gavin ever did. Which is why the violence thing really startled me. I guess every sergeant needs his foibles. There should be plenty of these movies in the upcoming months - October for old eps, November for the new. I love having the Biography Channel now. Midsomer Murders are (is?) the main reason I opted for DirecTV. So glad it's paying off already.
On a similar note, I now get BBC America and should have Sharpe's Challenge ready for my viewing pleasure by the time I get home Tuesday evening. Yay! Much love for the new satellite dish. Although we nearly had a few choice words for it when it went out for a few minutes during a spit-shower. After I re-set it, it worked fine throughout the rest of the storm. Go figure.
Tonight, Heroes. And as I have decided to bail on Vanished, we have no conflict of timing issues.