Brothers and Sisters - I'd thought after reading the premise of this show that it sounded an awful lot like Pasadena - which coincidentally also had Unspellable Getty in it. After seeing the pilot, I have to say that it looks an awful lot like Pasadena too. It's funny that Getty is playing another character named Tom after just finishing with Tom Grace, which should make it easy to remember, but I spent the whole time he was on-screen mentally calling him Nate. At this point, at least he appears to be one of the children who has it together this time. Such are the benefits of age, I suppose. And then there's crazy Uncle Arvin Saul. Ron Rifkin and Getty never really had any scenes together in Alias that I can recall. It should be interesting to see them interact here, since it looks like their characters will probably have a lot of contact with one another. Still, there's not much to hook me here except how much I like Getty. The rest of the show is pretty eh, whatever.
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Heroes - Instant love. I'm not totally sold on all the characters yet, but it was set up nicely and I liked how they began drawing a few of the threads together in the last quarter-hour or so. I've always liked Adrian Pasdar and loved seeing him in a new show. The ending twist was awesome and totally unexpected, especially given the way they've been using Milo's character in all the promos. I really like Pete too. I think the fraternal dynamics there are going to be one of the big draws of this show for me. This may be the first new show this season that I'm really intrigued by and anxiously awaiting the next episode.