It occurs to me that I haven't talked about Heroes since the pilot.
I have to admit that cute as Hiro is -with his superhero code and cheerful geekiness- it's still Nathan that I love best. Nevermind the awesomeness of the supersonic flight or the hot-footed landing. Nevermind how unflappable he was to stroll into the diner in nothing more than his pajamas and ask for a t-shirt and a cup of coffee despite obviously having no way to pay for either. How can you not admire a guy who looks his would-be blackmailers in the eye and demands that they pay him more money? And then to grin like that? Hee! I know he's a weasel and a shark, but he's easily the most fascinating of all the characters for me. Of course, that could just be my Adrian Pasdar bias showing through, but it's hard to separate them. That grin is to die for.
I am a wee bit confuzzled, however, as to why Hiro apparently spent weeks leaving crazy Japanese messages on Isaac's message machine but had very little difficulty conversing with either of the Petrelli brothers. He seemed perfectly coherent, if a little stilted, talking to Nathan and he started off slowly enough with Peter that he didn't come across as Insane Japanese Guy right off the bat. Ah, the necessities of television logic.
Also, I'm of the vague opinion that Claire's father isn't precisely a bad guy. At this point, I'm leaning toward a sort of twisted version of Charles Xavier. (Although given the way the Professor has been portrayed lately, perhaps the regular version is already twisted enough for parallels.) He didn't apparently actually hurt Matt in any way last week. He is consistently trying to protect Claire. I think he's perfectly aware of what's out there, what's coming, and is trying in a rather warped way to prepare for it. Then again, I also love the show's slimy politician, so obviously my judgment may not be the most reliable.
All quibbles aside about how much Peter, Mohindir, and Isaac collectively annoy me at times, I did love how Pete's episode-closing line to Hiro was an inversion of last week's ending. I like symmetry.
Oh, and did I mishear it or did Hiro tell Nathan that he wins the election in a "mudslide"? Hee!
Also, I think I need a "Vote Petrelli" icon. With a nice grinning Nathan. Because my own local candidates? Are so not cool. I'd happily trade both of our cranky, tax-dodging, lobbyist-pandering weasels in for one flying shark.
And furthermore, I should definitely stop reading Ugly Betty spoilers. Why is it not December yet? *g*