"Can't we just prosecute her for being horrible?"

Nov 02, 2006 14:42

I'm so glad baseball is over.
  • It is entirely possible that I like Seeley Booth more than I like Angel. Angst is all well and entertaining, but at the end of the day, it's nice to see that Booth actually has a chance at being happy. Because a smiling DB is never a bad thing.
  • Despite having some of the most disgustingly decomposing corpses on television ever, this is still also one of the funniest shows around.
  • Angela and Hodgins are just too cute. Together they make me happy.
  • Brennan's inability to function like a normal person has never been funnier than the whole "Molester!" scene. How could Booth imagine that he could just walk off and leave her to her own inappropriate devices? Then trying to explain to the security guard whilst merely digging the hole deeper and deeper? And then the guard just shrugs an "eh, whatever" at them. Hee! They're so wrong.
  • It's possible that I may be thawing toward Cam. She's still kind of pointless and it makes me sad every time she proves that Goodman was ever so much smarter than she is. But I didn't actually want to spork her this week. We're improving.
  • The final scene was adorable. I do believe Booth had an epiphany... and it startled him. Hee.
  • And randomly, I love how they use names on this show. There's a nice bit of nuance in who uses which names and when. But I still think that what amuses me most is the way Booth always calls Brennan Bones - even in professional situations, even to other people. And how he is the only person in the world to call her that.
  • Oh, and next week looks hysterical.

    Trying to write last night, I realized a number of things. Among them:
  • Joss Whedon has thoroughly ruined my grasp of good grammar and done funky things to my vocabulary.
  • I love writing dialogue but am tragically bad at even remembering that I need to write those descriptive passages. I should have a little motivational poster that reminds me the audience can't actually see the pictures inside my head.
  • Psycho Puppy does not like my coming home and going straight to the computer and will turn it off with her nose if I don't block the front of the CPU.
  • I seriously need a flat screen monitor so there would be room on the desktop for all my notebooks and filecards.
  • I average 400 words an hour. That pace had better pick up at some point. It's on-track for how much time I'm willing to put in every night, but depressingly slow nonetheless.
  • Edward really is curmudgeonly. I'd thought he might just be snarky, but he's kind of a grouch. I think I like it.
  • I have no books on the Black Prince and am appalled.
  • bones, writing

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