My dissonant Thursdays...
Ugly Betty -
The one redeeming thing about Sofia is her mentoring of Betty. I hope she's being sincere, because I couldn't bear for that to be a set-up. The final scene in the bathroom was cute - with the little callback to Betty's first-day-on-the-job mantra. Betty needs somebody spiffy like that on her side.
Daniel needs to buy a clue. Which he sort of did. And then lost it again. I miss when he used to be endearingly pathetic and not just pathetic.
Walter needs to go away. I hope the writers aren't intending for him to be a likable character. Because he isn't. You know something has gone dreadfully wrong if even Justin's loser father is looking sympathetic by comparison.
Hilda continues to rock. I love her attitude. And while there was very little of Justin this week, they seem to have toned down the flamboyance a wee bit. The Martha Stewart contest was in-character, yet nicely subtle.
I think I kind of like Ted. He and Wilhelmina were cute together. She seemed downright human by the end.
It didn't occur to me until long after the episode was over that there was no Fey or Bradford. They were not missed.
* * *
"You really are brothers, aren't you?"
I didn't realize until this episode just how much this season has failed to connect with me. Whatever it is I'd been missing, this ep finally got it right.
Incarcerated Dean was very cool. There might have been a moment or two of "I am so screwed." But mostly it was "This is just a temporary setback. We can figure this out." The "confession" was brilliant. Tell them the truth -the absolute truth- and know that nobody will believe it.
As opposed to Sam's lying through his teeth and looking damn convincing doing it, too. Even I bought the "He was an old army buddy of our dad's" line for a while there.
Greatly amused by the lawyer. And Dean's utter unconcern with him. And how concerned the lawyer was with the lack of concern. Hee!
Loved the dual anagram solving. How it almost, but not quite, looked like telepathy. Hee. Nice to see Dean getting one of his "See, sometimes I can be the brains" moments - by being the one to piece it together first.
Rolled my eyes at Sam getting one of his "See, sometimes I can be the brawn" moments - by knocking down a brick wall with his elbow. Hee. That sort of thing is why the boy wanders around flailing ginormous plaster appendages for weeks.
We could say lovely things about how nice it was to see continuity putting in a guest appearance. Guess Dean's not going to be able to use the "But I'm dead!" excuse anymore.
We will gloss over how internally illogical the rest of the plot really was.
And how the pea soup line was rather unnecessary. Funny, but unnecessary.
A couple of random commercial asides: Blood Diamond is probably not supposed to be a comedy. But I can't help snickering at Leo's "South African" "accent" every time I hear it. And apparently I've been confusing Daniel Craig with Christian Bale in my mental image of the new Bond and I don't know why. Because I know who Bale is and that he wasn't playing Bond and was still rather startled to see the commercial and realize that damn, this Craig fellow is actually kind of hot. I might have to go see this one after all. Who knew?