Awesome Saturday

Oct 16, 2005 02:48

100 THINGS.... repost this with your answers:

1* First grade teacher's name: Ms. Griffin

2* Last word you said: awesome..."that concert was Fucking AWESOME!"

3* Last song you sang: Saturday by Fall Out Boy while at the concert.

4* Last person you hugged: Paige

5* Last thing you laughed at: Lauren getting searched by the cops yet again.

6* Last time you said I don't remember: When someone asked me the name of a song at the concert.

7* Last time you cried: the other day

(i'm not sure what happened to 8............)
9* What color socks are you wearing: i'm not

10* What's under your bed: me, my computer, my desk, my books, a ton of shit... basically everything in my dorm that is mine.

11* What time did you wake up today: 5:00 a.m.

12* Current taste: Pepsi

13* Current hair: Crazy sticking out from my regatta and going crazy at the concert.(wow i feel like everything is a result of the concert haha)

14* Current shirt: NC STATE ROWING!!!

15* Current annoyance: The person I wanted to talk to went to bed so I'm doing a lj instead. See lj's are good for something.

16* Current longing: To be at home and get my dad's cooking and see my friends at home.

17* Current desktop background: Cloud with the sun shining through, it's beautiful. I close all of my windows just to look at it cuz it makes me in a cheerful mood when I'm not in one.

18* Current worry: That I'll pull a shitty 15k piece and fail all my classes.

19* Current hate: doesn't matter.

20* Current favorite article of clothing: this is such a girl question... IDK. My hat cuz it looks cool turned crooked with my crazy long hair? haha.

21* Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: varies...i can think of one smile in particular i favor though = )

22* Last CD that you listened to: I'm listening to The Starting Line- Based on a True Story.

23* Favorite place to be: Away from here? Ummm at home in my nice warm and fuzzy bed and then chilling around the house.

24* Least fav. place: Right now? college.

25* Time you wake up in the morning? usually 5:15ish

26* Can you play an instrument: Instruments require creativity to an extent... I have none...they also require time... also something I have none of...answer the question?- Learning drums/guitar would be cool but hah never going to happen.

27* Favorite colors: green and blue

28* Do you believe in love at first sight: no that is lust based on physical attraction.

29* How tall are you: 5' 10"ish

30* Current favorite saying: okaayy...

31* Favorite book: Boy

32* Favorite season: Used to be Spring, I kinda like Fall more in NC though.

33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: If I wanted to talk to em I would...

*FUTURE* theres no 34?

35* Where do you want to go for college? Wisconsin

36* What is your career going to be like: Depends on how much engineering sux and whether I stick with it or not...

37* How many kids do you want: 2

*HAVE YOU EVER...* No 38 either

39* Said "I love you" and meant it: yes

40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: please tell me your kidding?

41* Been to New York: no

42* Been to Florida: yes

43* Been to California: no

44* Been to Hawaii: no

45* Been to Mexico: yes

46* Been to China: no

48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: this unfortunately happens to often

(not sure where 49-51 are...)

52* Do you have a crush on someone: no

53* What book are you reading now? Nothing

54* Worst feeling in the world: Knowing you caused someone else to be miserable or that you failed someone.

55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? Waking up at 5 is too early for even the fucking's not even bright and early, it's dark and early why the hell am i going running?

56* How many rings before you answer: My phone is retarted so I usually don't hear the rings... it doesn't matter.

57* Future daughter's name: omg this should be a consensus between the 2 who conceive the girl...having it planned out ahead is lame as hell.

58* Future son's name: see above...

59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No

60* If you could have any job you wanted: Optometrist

61* Wish you were: in charlotte.

62* College plans: To bring my grades up and push our boat to be the best NC State's ever had and then go to Madison for Grad.

63* Piercings: none on me. All but ears are lame on girls. (I'm conservative...)

64* Tatoos: none

65* Do you drink? water, jk...rarely

67* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner: Suave?

68* What are you most scared of: That'll I'll screw up the great things I have going for me in my life right now.

69* What clothes do you sleep in: Depends on the situation...

70* Who is the last person that called you: Meredith

71* Where do you want to get married: In a catholic church cuz it's family tradition...if that's not possible it better atleast be a church or it aint happenin.

72* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: to not have such high expectations of people and to stop assuming people know what I'm thinking.

73* Who do you really hate: Hate is such a strong word...strong disliking is more like it...

74* Been In Love: yes

75* Are you timely or always late: usually time i usually am there right when I need to be.

76* Do you have a job: school seems like a job... it's stressful enough...not technically though.

77* Do you like being around people: occasionally. If they're cool.

78* Best feeling in the world: Knowing that people care about you.

79* Are you for world peace: No. The world couldn't function with world peace...sorry folks, realistically it wouldn't work. If you don't understand watch the Matrix.

80* Are you a health freak: If I were I wouldn't be so effin fat.

81* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: someone who I think will actually care about me (heh I seem to be a failure at this one though) and who is sweet and intelligent (failed on that one too a couple times, not sure how I let that happen)

82* Do you want someone you can't have?: what? no.

83* Are you lonely right now: yes, I want to talk to a certain someone but it's late so that would be selfish to expect.

84* Ever afraid you'll never get married: yes, I drive everyone crazy so for some reason it seems highly plausible... oh well that's life.

85* Do you want to get married: yes

86* Do you want kids? yes


87* Cried: no

88* Bought Something: yes, food

89* Gotten Sick: yes

90* Sang: Oh, HELL YES!

91* Said I Love You: yeah

92* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: no

93* Met Someone: yes.

94* Moved on: yes, but prolly not in the sense that is meant...

95* Talked To Someone: no, i'm completely antisocial...but seriously, is it fucking possible to not talk to anyone in a 48 hour span of time?

96* Had A Serious Talk: does being up until 4:00 in the morning when you have to wake up in an hour for a huge race and concert answer that question?

97* Missed Someone: You can't even imagine...

98* Hugged Someone: yes

99* Yelled at Someone: no

100* Dreamed About Someone: about being with someone...

Okay so first off... I'm effin tired cuz I've been up for like 43 hours (okay I got one hour of sleep but that's hardly anything) so sorry if this isn't coherent. What ev. (haha Mike, I so ganked ur phrase) So I wake up at 5 and go to Talley to meet Donny to head to Wilmington. We end up having to wait 45 minutes for a kid who's late. He's awesome though so it was all good. Wilmington is pretty chill, I hadn't been since a soccer tourney a while back so I had forgotten how disgusting the water on the Cape Fear River is...yuck. Okay so I finally see Paige again. I missed her! We chatted. Then I had a race. Haha we raced Jason and our B-boat and some other boats that I don't really know. We took first by about a minute over our B boat. It was sweet. Jason's crew stopped rowing half way through which is funny, my coach told me he saw it happen. I got to hang out with Paige for lunch and then I got to see her race in a sprint. When we were heading up in our 4 for the Charles I saw her coming down in her double and so my boat cheered her on, it was fun. Then we dominated all competition again in our 4 and fell 10 seconds short of the time our 8 brought in. So our 8 pulled a 15:47 5k and our 4 pulled a 15:57 5k which is amazing. (shhh... we had a huge current helping us out hahaha but we won't mention that) Then after getting my 2 gold medals we went to the Concert which I have mentioned numerous times and probably worn out. All that needs to be said is IT WAS AWESOME!!! OMG I'M SO GLAD I WENT! God, MCS,TSL,FOB WERE ALL AMAZING, soooo much better than Warped Tour like WOW! Everyone went nuts when FOB got out there and it was insane. We got to the concert late so we were in the back but I was jumping all over going nuts anyways.

I wish I could have seen Lauren... oh well that's life I'll see her at Thanksgiving or something I s'pose. = )

Oh, and I got a niiiiiiiiice sunburn today so I'm officially a rower now!

Good nite all, luv ya,

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