work soon. studly.
ambitious career woman - nuclear winter olympics :: noise start, with a dwindling finish.
circle takes the square - interview at the ruins :: check the profilio.
leng tch'e - public enema no. 1 :: chunky.
mod flanders conspiracy - My 7th Grade Bus Driver Likes to Yell at Dead Trees :: you haff striked hercules.
sex positions - interlude :: yep.
alexisonfire - sharks and danger :: chill. one of the few new releases that doesn't make me sick (i'm looking at you slipknot, 18v, in flames, etc.)
clutch - ghost :: i should've been into these guys awhile ago. thank you mr. brumbaugh.
cannibal corpse - gutted :: word.
serial butcher - cum gut explosion :: mean death metal doesn't have to sound shitty?
why did i do this? i'm bored. you should just not bother to read these things.