A-Z meme Karen did

Jan 19, 2005 19:57

A - Accent: Mid-Western, Ohioian

B - Breast size: 34 DD...and the damn things keep getting bigger!!!!...grrrr

C - Chore you hate: Cleaning the bathroom...because everyone is gross

D - Dad's name: James.

E - Essential make-up item: chapstick...does that  count?  I don't wear makeup

F - Favorite perfume: Adidas for Women.

G - Gold or silver: Silver

H - Hometown: Delaware

I - Insomnia: sometimes.

J - Job title: Aide to the Prairie Director/full time undergrad student

K - Kids: curently zero.

L - Living arrangements: with my mom.

M - Mom's birthplace: Lewis Center/Columbus.

N - Number of pets you've had: 1dog(Abbi)1 cat (Loli) and 1 bird (Bandit)

O - Overnight hospital stays: when I was a new born...one.

P - Phobia: Claustrophobia, fear of bees.

R - Religious affiliation: Agnostic

S - Siblings: Matt

T - Time you wake up: 8:30 or 9

U - Unnatural hair colors you've worn: pink, bright red, purplish.

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: brussel sprouts

W - Worst habit: nail biting.

X - X-rays you've had: on my hand and teeth.

Y - Yummy foods you make: any thing on the grill...I am the grill master.

Z - Zodiac signs: Libra

Uh...having a uterus sucks!
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