x-posted in my own lj.
it's comin down to the wire now, and it's very likely i'll be stuck with only 3 people in my room for the weekend, with 7 or so only thursday. i'm talking to other friends who need to 'get back to me' (don't you hate that answer?), but in the meantime i thought i'd throw a line out to get a feel. as i said aside from thursday's pack of people, the rest of the weekend looks to only be 3 people.
so here's the points:
-it's at the holiday inn, and we'll be there thurs-sun. i have priority club, so that means late checkout. 3pm hooo!
-we'd prefer non-smokers, and if you drink don't come in stumbling and stupid or i'll just throw you outside for the night. we'd also prefer females as all-guy rooms kinda suck...
-on that note, don't suck plz. i'm easy to get along with, but i hate sticks in the mud. we're quiet at times too, but if everyone's enjoying themselves please join in. if you're not part of the group when you get there, you will be by the end of the night :P
-freeloaders will NOT be tolerated. this happened last year and i won't stand for it.
-we're all guys and no one staying the weekend's underage. actually, i think everyone's over 20...some friend i am lol.
-we're probably gonna have a ps2 set up and probably at least the card game apples to apples on hand, so i'm hoping the room isn't TOO dead unless everyone really needs to sleep. we're open to gaming suggestions of course and may have
desktoparcade fighter sticks. at the least we'll have the rumble fish.
-people will be in and out throughout the day, and probably late-ish depending on whether or not things are going on elsewhere. if you're paranoid about theft, we don't stand for that ish ourselves so you don't have to worry.
-it's a double, so other than thursday's insanity there will be an open spot on the bed if you're comfortable sharing. if more than 4 in the room for the weekend, we'll discuss rotations.
-the room will be visited by my other hotel mates if we're chillin in the room, as i'm managing 7 rooms so if that's a problem then..yea. but we're all pretty cool, and it's a pretty decent mix of people if you're up for meeting new faces.
-a most important point...we're clean, and mostly organized...usually. so if you're not in the habit of bathing...sorry, do not pass go.
that's all i can think of off the top of my head...so if you don't mind rooming with some gamers and an out-of-practice raver, comment and i'll see if i can help.
..and i know i'm probably missing something up there >.>;