Name: Raimi
Nickname(s): Kali/Remy That girl with the shouta
Age: Can't tell? XD
Gender: XX
Prefer to be rated as a girl or boy?: Whichever suits me the most DEAR GOD LET IT BE MADARAME PLZ
Likes: Video games, anime, manga though I prefer that later over the previous American comics, SNES roms,
Dislikes: Waking up early, blowing all my money at conventions, cosplays falling apart, running out of stuff, horrible English official dubs because then you're caught with either supporting the corporations that ruined your fandom, or not supporting your favorite manga-ka..., having my cosplay be mistaken for random KH characters,
Strengths: Pretty good at multitasking, uber-dedication to leveling up in RPGs,
Weaknesses: Time management, studying,
Hobbies: Cosplay I'm still rather new, Fiction writing, playing video games, Livejournal RPing...
Talents: I can totally stand eating wierd food combinations, infact I love them! X3
Favorite character, and why: Madarame. He's so boss awesome, personally I just think he's the best character on there. I really love how motivated he can get, and I deeply sympathize with him on a lot of aspects--I've heard I'm horrible when it comes to me talking about manga series I like, and I really like how just unbashed he is about his whole otaku-ness. He comes off as kind-of socially akward to others, but really, I see him as being the most comfortable with who he is. Tied with him is Ohno, she's just so adorable.
Least favorite character, and why: I love all the other characters really, but if I had to pick one I liked the least, it'd have to be Kuuchi. He's funny, but he reminds me waayy to much of someone I know...
Favorite pairing, and why: Sasahara/Kousaka: I know, I know, it's horrible, and I love Saki to death, but seriously, my warped fangirl mind saw more chemistry between Sasahara and Kousaka, and likewise to Madarame and Saki. I like Oguie too, and I really do like her with Sasahara--but, this pairing really just gets me. Tied though is Ohno/Tanaka--their relationship is so amazingly sweet, it's just so cute to watch.
Least favorite pairing, and why: Saki/Kousaka: I really don't think it'd work out so great for them in the end...
Favorite Genshiken quote?: "This is what I *bleep* to!"...Oh Ohno, you're the reason I cracked up like a mad lady...
Genshiken or Genshiken OVA?: Genshiken OVA, even though I first started with Genshiken
Favorite color: Green
Favorite food: Red bean anything
Favorite anime(s): Sayonara Zetsubo-sensei
Favorite manga(s): Either Hellsing:The Dawn or Eyeshield 21
Favorite video game(s): Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Hentai, yaoi or yuri?: Prefer yaoi, but I like shoujo-ai and het also...
How'd you find this community?: Through
genshiken of course...(^_~)
How long have you liked Genshiken?: Since the anime first came out subbed online
What did you witness first? The anime or the manga?: Anime, but I'm getting more into the manga
Anything else we should add?:
Picture or description: I only really have pictures of me in cosplay...so erm, this sans Blue Persona 3 hair: