What are your favorite ways to kill your Sims?
Probably fire, just because it's the easiest/quickest, and even that takes forever... In theory I like Disease, but for some reason my sims only get food poisoning when I DON'T want them to. If I'm trying to kill them I can feed them plate after plate of spoiled, fly-ridden food and they'll just get fat. :( My absolute favorite though would probably be Satellite, although I've never really used it.
When you are just offing a Sim because they annoy you how do you prefer to do it?
I usually try for disease first and then get tired of waiting and do fire or drowning.
For what reasons are you most likely to kill a Sim?
Normally I don't kill sims unless I specifically created them only to die- like the Lockhart family (where made the ugliest sims I could and then used them to test every type of death), or poor Abba Zabba Moon (father of what would become my "teen parent" family). Otherwise it's just if they piss me off (Lars) or if they're getting in the way of my storyline (Ethan's wife).
Have you ever found exciting new ways to kill them off?
I was pretty excited when I read about Satellite and Die by Flies, but I still haven't tried them out except with the Tombstone of L and D.
Do you now or have you ever felt guilt for killing Sims intentionally?
I felt pretty bad about Abba Zabba... I made him as a joke since I knew he was destined to die but I ended up liking the fucker. And I already feel bad about Ethan's wife even though I haven't killed her yet... but Venus is Ethan's one true love and Ethan would never leave or cheat on his wife, so having a satellite fall on her is the ONLY WAY!!! >:O
Do you now or have you ever felt guilt for killing Sims accidentally?
Nope. Even when I accidentally starved a pregnant sim to death I only got pissed at her for being such a dumb bitch. She died like 2 feet away from the fridge and she would have made it if she hadn't stopped to wave her arms and scream about how hungry she was. >:(
Do you ever make your Sims watch their friends/loved ones/enemies die?
If they made a stuff pack that came with new ways to kill Sims instead of objects would you buy it?
Haha, yeah.
What new ways to kill would you like to see?
I dunno... poisoning?
How many Sims do you think you've killed since you started playing the game (feel free to estimate)
Let's see... one for each type of death when I was testing (which is I think 9), plus Lolita, Abba Zabba, Parvati and Leo. So 13.