Batch 2:18-32/50 Subject: ep 110 The Living Years Themes: Broken(3), Learn(5), Regret(6), Fall Apart(7), Breathe(9), Holding On(10), Forever(13), Time(14), Love(15)
Subject: 110 The Living Years Batch 1: 17/50
Themes: eww!(2), smile (7), torn(11), beautiful(12), goodbye(13), dreams(14), happy(15), perfect(16), shattered(17)
At my journal....
Subject: Random Episodes Episodes: 1x01- Pilot, 1x07- Life in a Glass House Set: 11-30/100 Themes: Blue (#1), Choices (#7), Time(#8), Tangled (#11), Secret(#13, #16), Holding On(#18), Safe (#19)