hide_r wrote in
Feb 18, 2006 13:27
We have a couple sets of really good noms, but some cats are still a little short so we've decided to put voting off another week. I figured it would be better to just have tons next Friday rather then having to cancel some of the categories.
So if you haven't nommed this week, please do! Remember, this week's special category is Non- 100x100 icons!
bananners wrote in
Feb 10, 2006 23:34
Despite my valliant efforts to seduce you with a naked James Lafferty, noms were scarce so we're extending till next week. Remember that Between Order and Randomness is Non 100x100 icons. :)
bananners wrote in
Feb 09, 2006 20:16
James Lafferty naked!!
Now that I have your attention.... Only one person has
nommed so far this week, so we could really use some help in all the
categories. Please look around and track down some of teh pretties to
post over here.