Name: Jenn
Age: 23 today
Zodiac Sign: leo
Does Your Sign Suit Your Personality? i believe it does
Describe Your Personality In Six Adjectives: creative, lonely, determined, hardworking, misunderstood, careful
Your Hobbies: reading, writing, dancing, movies
Your Skills: writing, multi-tasking, listening..can't really think right
Your Weaknesses: love
What Most People Like About You: I take the time to listen, I'm always there when people need to talk to me, we have fun when we hang out, dance parties
Your Favorite Memory: the month of Oct. 2004- going to Disneyland, seeing my fave band for the first time after 7 years, and bonding with my now best friend
Your Favorite Holiday and Why: Christmas, because it's the only time I see my family
Do you think things through or act on impulse? depends on what it is
Your Favorite Quote: "You can't just leave your life up to fate, you've got to turn it around before it's too late"
Post Pictures Here, if You'd Like: no good ones saved on my comp