Name: Rachel
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarrius
Does Your Sign Suit Your Personality? not in all things but yes, generally.
Describe Your Personality In Six Adjectives: quiet, observant, unique, mysterious, open-minded, sad
Your Hobbies: writing, going to hear live music, traveling when I can, spending time with animals
Your Skills: writing poetry, befriending animals and children
Your Weaknesses: worrying, depression, anxiety
What Most People Like About You: I'm not really sure because I don't really let a lot of people really get to know me. I think though that people like that a lot of things that I am into kinda surprise them because I guess by my appearance that they really wouldnt think that I am into certain things.
Your Favorite Memory: It is hard to pick just one. I treasure memories of relationships mainly I guess.
Your Favorite Holiday and Why: Halloween because it is the one day out of the year that society allows itself to embrace the things that every other day they are too conservative to admit interests them.
Do you think things through or act on impulse? I think things through way more than would be considered healthy.
Your Favorite Quote: "There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery."
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