Very Berry Smoothie.
Set out the following ingredients:
200ml Apple juice
One banana
100g frozen berries (or any berries of your choice)
Throw into blender. Whizz until smooth. Decant into glass. Take blurry photos of handywork.
Attempt photograph of Victory Sip. Explode straw into mouth. Discard. Spit out bits of broken straw. Attempt straw-less photograph of Victory Sip.
Hand to Parental Units to taste and approve. Wrestle back smoothie and begin preparations for...
Banana Muffins
Take photos of your ingredients. For the muffins:
3 tablespoons (45ml) of soy cream.
1 teaspoon (5ml) of cider vinegar.
2 tablespoons of (golden) caster sugar
1 banana (100g)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of gluten free flour
1 teaspoon of gluten free baking powder [Or make your own by adding one part bicarb to two parts cream of tartar]
*I never realised baking powder HAD gluten in it, and don't know if by making it up I removed the gluten-free element. I'm sure regular flour and baking powder are fine, but since I'm doing this from the book for Mum's diet...
Invest in real muffin tins, and use six muffin cases, not eight. Place cream, sugar and cider vinegar in a bowl.
Remember to preheat the oven to 150 degrees centigrade! Also remember that the oven clock is completely wrong. Make a note to get it fixed, but never plan to. Return to the task at hand.
Whisk everything up.
Chop banana into bowl and mash with fork whilst watching TV with parents. Take your smoothie along with you if you haven't finished it.
Use a shallower bowl and a bigger fork. Mash better than this. Include photo of finished smoothie glass just because ;)
Add to bowl of wet ingredients and mix well.
Make up your cheater's baking powder if you don't have any. Realise at this point that you MIGHT have actually brought some home from University. Whoops.
Add flour, eggs and baking powder to wet ingredients.
Beat the crap out of it. Be concerned at the extremely thin batter consistency and wonder whether or not this is right.
Ignore your concerns and spoon already-dubious batter messily into too many cases. Do not repeat this mistake. Put it in six muffin cases next time XD
Bake for twenty minutes under the watchful eyes of Mum's frowny German Cat timer.
Remember you actually wanted to throw blueberries on top. Open oven and drop them in. Overshoot your intended muffin case several times :| Remember to put them in BEFORE you start baking next time.
Remove from oven when time is up. DEFINITELY split with fewer cases next time. Shallow muffins are shallow.
Optional final step: icing.
Mum's diet guru says to ice them with a tablespoon of icing sugar made up with a speck of turmeric. I've not made it yet, but I'll slide downstairs and do that now...
I might edit with pictures of the truly-finished products :)
Also coming up tomorrow: a Dreamy Creamy Smoothie which sounds absolutely divine :D